From Our Readers
Crack Addiction Thanks so much for your July 22, 1990, article “Crack Addiction—The Plight of the Unborn.” We need more public awareness and public education on this subject. I know because I work in a program that treats pregnant drug addicts.
D. P., United States
Suicides Thanks so much for the article “Suicides—A Resurrection?” (September 8, 1990) It helped me appreciate how much Jehovah cares for us and that we need to respect the life that he has given us. It also taught me never to underestimate the power of undeserved kindness.
M. R., United States
My mother committed suicide when I was 14 years old. A big part of me died with her. But now I am 26 and a dedicated servant of God. Your article, giving evidence that my mother might be resurrected, tells me that the part of me that I lost can be regained when I see her again.
L. R., United States
“Young People Ask” Book I read with keen interest the article “Reader Response to the Book Young People Ask.” (September 8, 1990) Shortly before receiving this issue, I handed the book to an elderly Bible student, suggesting that she give it to her grandchild. However, the next time I visited her, the elderly woman herself had read through the book. I showed her the portion in the article where it spoke of a woman “74 years young” who benefited from reading it. When she read this, she said: ‘I agree. I thought I should know the book’s content before giving it to my grandchild, but soon I was fully absorbed in reading it.’ Incidentally, she is 80 years “young”!
K. H., Japan
Youth—Challenge of the ’90’s This afternoon I received the September 8, 1990, issue dealing with youth. I read it immediately and enjoyed every article. Lately I have felt that no one understands me. But after reading the magazine, I realized just how wrong I was. Thank you so much for caring about us young people.
B. P., United States
Nature Articles The May 22, 1990, issue fascinated me. It contained an article on Point Lobos, a truly marvelous place for animals and nature lovers. You also helped us discover the Haida, a people living farther north in the Pacific. Of course, not everyone can go there. But with a little imagination, a good part of the trip can be conjured up by reading the material and looking at the photos. Thank you for these well-presented articles.
R. F., France
Lupus The report about lupus in Awake! of May 8, 1990, left me flabbergasted. While reading it through, I underlined those passages that described my own condition. Then, armed with a copy of Awake!, I paid my doctor a visit. He read the report and immediately ordered blood tests. Now I am being treated for my immune system, not for rheumatism.
C. K., Federal Republic of Germany
Teen Pregnancy Thank you so very much for the article “Teen Pregnancy—What Should a Girl Do?” (May 8, 1990) On August 16, 1989, I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl. When I was pregnant, I didn’t know what to do. I was confused about marriage and adoption but didn’t even consider abortion. When the article came out, I knew I had made the right decision. I now attend Christian meetings with my daughter and hope to be a dedicated Witness soon.
D. A., United States