From Our Readers
Holocaust My wife and I want to express our thanks and deep appreciation for the frank and clear language used in the Holocaust articles. (April 8, 1989) The photos and the map touched us deeply. They show the cruelty and brutality of a human system. We particularly enjoyed the resurrection article, so positive and comforting! Although we did not personally experience these things, it is important to speak about them and to remember them.
I. L., Federal Republic of Germany
I must congratulate your writers. They certainly did their homework. That issue will be in my library until I die! Though I will never be a ‘Jehovah’s Witness,’ I wish to let you know that there are people who thank you for such information.
A. S., United States
Education Your article maligns a four-year university degree. (“Young People Ask . . . What Career Should I Choose?” May 8, 1989) You say: “A university degree may or may not improve your employment prospects.” Your implication is that there is great likelihood that a degree will not help one to secure employment. This simply is not reality! Yet you give your blessing to two-year college programs.
A. N., United States
Our intent was not to malign university education but to encourage young people to pursue a career in God’s service. We acknowledged that, on the average, university graduates earn higher salaries and suffer less unemployment than high school graduates. Nevertheless, a university degree does not guarantee financial success—a fact attested to by reliable authorities. Two-year programs were cited simply as an option some youths might consider if their parents insist on their attending a university. How much secular education one pursues is entirely a personal matter. But while not ignoring economic realities, Christian youths should weigh the possible unwholesome effect exposure to the university environment might have on their spirituality. (1 Corinthians 15:33) They must also remember something not shown in employment statistics—God’s promise to provide for those who put his interests first. (Matthew 6:33)—ED.
Ozone My teacher gave me the assignment to give a report on a current nature problem. I chose the subject “Ozone Hole,” for which the January 22, 1989, issue was a great help. Thanks to the informative material presented in the article, I got a very good grade.
C. B., Federal Republic of Germany
AIDS Victim I would like to express my love and support for the young man who wrote “Something Worse Than AIDS.” (April 22, 1989) His humility and appreciation shone through.
B. E., United States
I read the article with tears filling my eyes and a large lump in my throat. I too had a son who left Jehovah. For 13 years we watched him search for happiness. While we stood firm for Jehovah’s standards, we always assured Wayne of our love. But he became influenced by alcohol and cocaine. His death was totally unexpected, although I always lived in dread of what might happen. He was 28. I pray that other young ones can benefit from the young man’s experience, so that they don’t leave Jehovah and pay such a high price.
S. E., United States