From Our Readers
Just a Crush?
I wish to express my gratitude for what you wrote in the articles under “Young People Ask . . . ”: “Who Says It’s Just a Crush?” and “How Can I Get Over a Crush?” (January 8 and January 22, 1987) I have had this problem for several years, being “in love” with a girl who is older than I am. Many had tried to persuade me to forget her but without results. After reading the two articles and realizing that somebody really did understand me and could offer me good suggestions, I have finally decided to leave things as they are and go back to leading a normal life.
G. T., Italy
Evolution or Creation?
I have served for 20 years as a university professor in physics and chemistry. After reading your September 22, 1981, issue on “Accidents of Evolution or Acts of Creation?” I feel compelled to send along some observations. I was greatly impressed and enthused with that issue. I am getting more and more convinced, by reason, that it would be impossible for everything to have come about by chance. There has to be a well-defined intention. I wish that Awake! in future editions would consider this subject again and that the introduction of this aspect would be encouraged in Brazilian schools.
R. R., Brazil
See our issue of January 22, 1987, and the book “Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation?” These can be obtained from the publishers of this magazine or Jehovah’s Witnesses locally.—ED.
The World Since 1914
I particularly like the series of articles entitled “The World Since 1914.” (March 8 through June 22, 1987) There is so much history and detail showing the rapid change that has taken place on the world’s scene leading up to the “great tribulation.” (Matthew 24:21) Without this kind of information, we would be truly lost. The secular mode of this world is indeed anti-God and can only end in destruction. I really do appreciate the fine material that helps all thinking people to come to realize that man has to look to Jehovah for salvation and accept his provisions for everlasting life.
P. H., England
About Acne
I am writing to you regarding your very negative article “Young People Ask . . . Can’t I Do Something About My Acne?” (February 22, 1987) A proper nutrition-based diet, combined with the correct supplementation, can often work wonders for these young people, besides enabling them to help themselves.
M. B., England
Thank you for the article dealing with acne. I am now 30 years old and started having acne four years ago. I now understand the youth, for I share the same feelings, such as the ill-at-ease feeling I get when someone asks me to go with a group to the beach. It even restricts my choice of clothes I wear. I cannot have an open-back dress, and this makes it particularly difficult in the summer. How encouraged and happy your advice has made me, because I am determined to cultivate a positive and nicer personality!
L. L., Canada