“How Could I Commit This Great Badness?”The Watchtower—2014 | November 1
The young man refused to give in to despair, and he set about doing his work as well as he could. He thus gave Jehovah much to bless, and Joseph soon gained the favor of his new master. Potiphar saw that his young servant was being blessed by Jehovah, the God of Joseph’s people, and such blessings no doubt brought more prosperity to the Egyptian’s house. Joseph gradually rose in his master’s esteem until Potiphar entrusted everything into the hands of this capable young man.—Genesis 39:3-6.
“How Could I Commit This Great Badness?”The Watchtower—2014 | November 1
In the meantime, the account tells us, Joseph was maturing. The youth became a man, and a “well-built and handsome” one at that. Those words suggest that danger was looming, for the gift of physical beauty often brings unwanted and inappropriate attention.
Potiphar’s wife took note of loyal young Joseph