JosephInsight on the Scriptures, Volume 2
Jacob Blesses Joseph and Other Sons. Later, Jacob, on his deathbed, called all his sons to him and blessed them individually. He likened Joseph to “the offshoot of a fruit-bearing tree.” That “fruit-bearing tree” was the patriarch Jacob himself, and Joseph became one of the prominent branches. (Ge 49:22) Though harassed by archers and an object of animosity, Joseph’s bow “was dwelling in a permanent place, and the strength of his hands was supple.” (Ge 49:23, 24) This could have been said of Joseph personally. His half brothers harbored animosity and figuratively shot at him to destroy him. Yet Joseph repaid them with mercy and loving-kindness, these qualities being like arrows that killed their animosity. The enemy archers did not succeed in killing Joseph nor in weakening his devotion to righteousness and brotherly affection.
JosephInsight on the Scriptures, Volume 2
Other aspects of Jacob’s prophetic blessing also find a parallel in Joseph’s experiences. When Joseph, instead of taking vengeance, made provision for the entire household of Jacob, or Israel, he was as a shepherd and a stone of support to Israel. Since Jehovah had guided matters so that he could serve in this capacity, Joseph had come from the hands of the “powerful one of Jacob.” Being from God, Joseph had Jehovah’s help. He was with the Almighty in that he was on Jehovah’s side and therefore was a recipient of his blessing.—Ge 49:24, 25.
JosephInsight on the Scriptures, Volume 2
The fact that Joseph is listed at Revelation 7:8 suggests that Jacob’s deathbed prophecy would have an application to spiritual Israel. It is noteworthy, therefore, that the Powerful One of Jacob, Jehovah God, provided Christ Jesus as the Fine Shepherd who laid down his life for “the sheep.” (Joh 10:11-16) Christ Jesus is also the foundation cornerstone upon which God’s temple composed of spiritual Israelites rests. (Eph 2:20-22; 1Pe 2:4-6) And this Shepherd and Stone is with the Almighty God.—Joh 1:1-3; Ac 7:56; Heb 10:12; compare Ge 49:24, 25.