“Holy, Holy, Holy Is Jehovah”The Watchtower—2011 | December 1
IF YOU had to choose a single word to describe Jehovah God—his essence, or nature—what word would you select? In the eighth century B.C.E., the prophet Isaiah was given a vision in which he heard spirit creatures extolling Jehovah, using a word that describes a key aspect of His very essence—holiness. What Isaiah saw and heard should both fill us with awe and draw us closer to Jehovah. As we consider the words at Isaiah 6:1-3, imagine yourself there.
“Holy, Holy, Holy Is Jehovah”The Watchtower—2011 | December 1
Isaiah next observes what perhaps no other human has been privileged to see in vision. He writes: “Seraphs were standing above him [Jehovah]. Each one had six wings. With two he kept his face covered, and with two he kept his feet covered, and with two he would fly about.” (Verse 2) Seraphs are spirit creatures of very high rank. Isaiah is the only Bible writer who mentions them. The seraphs are standing ever ready to move and to act in carrying out the divine will for them. They are covering their face and feet, showing due reverence and respect for the One in whose presence they are privileged to serve.