Paul Triumphs Over AdversityThe Watchtower—1999 | May 1
The exhausted group have found refuge on an island called Malta. The inhabitants are “foreign-speaking people,” literally “barbarians” (Greek, barʹba·ros).c But the Maltese people are not savages. On the contrary, Luke, a traveling companion of Paul, reports that they “showed us extraordinary human kindness, for they kindled a fire and received all of us helpfully because of the rain that was falling and because of the cold.” Paul himself joins the natives of Malta in collecting and laying sticks on the fire.—Acts 28:1-3, footnote.
Paul Triumphs Over AdversityThe Watchtower—1999 | May 1
c Wilfred Funk’s Word Origins notes: “The Greeks were scornful of languages other than their own, and said they sounded like ‘bar-bar’ and they called anyone who spoke them barbaros.”