“Moved With Pity”“Come Be My Follower”
Show “fellow feeling”
7. What can help us to cultivate empathy, and how may this quality be expressed?
7 As Christians, we are called on to imitate Jesus in showing empathy. The Bible urges us to show “fellow feeling.”b (1 Peter 3:8) It may not be easy to grasp the feelings of those suffering from chronic illness or depression—especially if we have not gone through such pain ourselves. Remember, though, that empathy does not depend on shared circumstances. Jesus empathized with the sick even though he himself had never been sick. How, then, can we cultivate empathy? By patiently listening as suffering ones open up their hearts and share their feelings. We might ask ourselves, ‘If I were in their situation, how would I feel?’ (1 Corinthians 12:26) If we sharpen our sensitivity to the feelings of others, we will be better able to “speak consolingly to those who are depressed.” (1 Thessalonians 5:14) At times, empathy may be expressed not only with words but also with tears. “Weep with those who weep,” says Romans 12:15.
“Moved With Pity”“Come Be My Follower”
b The Greek adjective rendered “fellow feeling” literally means “suffering with.”