Joy Comes in Talking About Jehovah
1 It was a command from Jehovah that his worshipers in ancient times should come before him with rejoicing. (Deut. 12:18) Why should they not rejoice and praise Jehovah in view of his rich blessings upon them?—Ps. 20:5.
2 We too have many occasions for rejoicing before Jehovah. Consider the joy that is ours in connection with large and small assemblies, in addition to the joyous refreshment of regular weekly meetings in the congregation. Daily we can rejoice because Jehovah has provided abundantly for our spiritual needs. We have the joyous hope of everlasting life by means of his Son, Jesus Christ.
3 Appreciating these gifts from God, we are moved to speak to others about him, and this increases our joy even more, since “‘there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.’”—Acts 20:35.
4 But does opposition cause your joy to diminish? Does indifference, or not finding people at home discourage you? Perhaps you tend to be shy. Your personality may be such that it is not natural for you to approach strangers readily, even when you really want to talk about things that are dear to your heart. How can you experience the same joy that others find in preaching the good news?
5 First, remember that joy is a fruit of the spirit. It must be cultivated. Although Jehovah has promised to help you by his spirit, you must put forth effort to get the blessing. He wants you to have the joy that comes in knowing you have his favor. Our joy may be reflected in a happy countenance, but really it means much more than that—our having that deep inner feeling of well-being that comes from pleasing Jehovah in all our worship and service.
6 Consider the lives of Jesus and the early Christians. They had many hardships and sometimes painful experiences, but they had joy in abundance. For example, the apostles were taken into custody, scolded for preaching the good news and then flogged. What was their attitude? Read Acts 5:41, 42. When Jesus sent out the seventy disciples, likely some were apprehensive, but they “returned with joy” and related their experiences.—Luke 10:17.
7 Such joy can be yours also when you succeed in getting someone to listen to your presentation of the good news. If someone agrees to study the Bible with you, or responds to your invitation to attend Christian meetings, your heart will indeed rejoice. The apostle Paul expressed his joy in those he had helped in spite of much difficulty and under the most trying circumstances.—1 Thess. 2:9, 19, 20.
8 Yes, joy does indeed come from talking about Jehovah. The planting, watering and cultivating of the seeds of truth may require much effort on your part, but the good results that come from talking about Jehovah are bound to bring you joy.—Ps. 126:5, 6.