Can You Serve Jehovah as a Pioneer?
1 At last summer’s “Light Bearers” District Convention, a speaker asked: “Can you pioneer? Will you pioneer?” He noted that these questions are relevant because Armageddon is very near, and this makes the preaching work more urgent than ever before.—1 Cor. 7:29a.
2 There is no question that pioneering is hard work. It requires self-discipline and good organization. Yet, our labor in the ministry “is not in vain.” (1 Cor. 15:58) Can the same be said of other activities that we may choose to pursue and that consume our time and energy? Love for Jehovah impels Christians to be zealous in his service, and zeal for Jehovah’s service has led many into the pioneer work.—1 John 5:3; Rev. 4:11.
3 Many young servants of Jehovah just finishing high school are thinking seriously about pioneering. That is entirely appropriate. What other career could be more important than the full-time ministry? (Matt. 6:33) The good news of God’s Kingdom must be preached; this is Jehovah’s work, and what a privilege it is to be absorbed in it from one’s youth onward!—Matt. 24:14.
4 Do you parents encourage your children to take up the full-time service? Do your children clearly understand that you want them to use their whole heart, soul, mind, and strength in this worthwhile work? (Mark 12:30) Many young publishers prepare themselves for the regular pioneer work by sharing as auxiliary pioneers at every opportunity during their school years. Surely such devotion to Jehovah warms his heart!—Prov. 27:11.
5 Of course, not everyone has the circumstances that allow for pioneer service. However, whether married or single, young or old in years, have you given serious and prayerful consideration to serving Jehovah as a pioneer minister of the good news? (Col. 3:23) Many young married couples are working to expand their ministry so that one or both can pioneer.
6 If you are not in a position to regular pioneer at present, can you serve as an auxiliary pioneer? Likely many publishers in your congregation are planning to do that during April. Can you join them? Although all of Jehovah’s loyal servants receive many blessings, additional blessings await those who are in a position to spend more time in the Kingdom service searching out sheeplike ones.—Acts 20:35.