Song 162
“Preach the Word”!
1. “Preach the word,” the God of heaven
Has commanded for this day.
Now to us the time is given
That divine charge to obey.
“Preach the word” along with teaching;
Help the meek to understand.
Fear not men, but keep on preaching
On the streets throughout the land.
2. “Preach the word” in ev’ry season,
Always ready to impart
To each one who asks a reason
For the hope within your heart.
“Preach the word,” though opposition
Makes it out of season seem.
Faithful be to your commission;
Trust in God, who is supreme.
3. “Preach the word” in work unceasing.
O how vital that all hear!
Wickedness is fast increasing,
And this system’s end draws near.
“Preach the word” and bring salvation
To yourself and others too.
“Preach the word,” for vindication
Of Jehovah’s name is due.