Song 177
What Sort of Persons Ought We to Be?
1. The great day of Jehovah God we keep close in mind.
To him and to his reigning Son, our hearts are inclined.
The night is well along, and the day’s drawn near;
All things of Satan’s world will soon disappear.
To our great need of praying may we e’er be alert.
In pray’r the need is great, indeed, ourselves to exert.
By praying to our God with all our soul and heart,
We will find the peace of mind that only he can impart.
2. Our joy and peace unnoticed by the world does not go.
A spectacle we’ve come to be that all men may know.
What sort of persons, then, ought we all to be?
What holy acts of conduct for all to see?
With confidence we seek to tell of the Kingdom’s birth
And talk about God’s promise of new heav’ns and new earth
And how in these his righteousness will come to dwell.
In the telling forth of this good news may we e’er excel.
3. Our actions and our course of life we strive to maintain
In harmony with principles that bring greatest gain.
Christ Jesus washed us clean from the stain of sin,
And peace of God we joyously now take in.
Unspotted and unblemished we would e’er want to be;
As servants of Jehovah God, we have been set free.
If we stay close to him and let him be our Friend,
He will help us and provide for us right down to the end.