Song 193
Preach “This Good News of the Kingdom”!
1. This good news of the Kingdom must now be proclaimed
In witness to each land and nation.
And Jehovah’s good name must become widely famed
Before its complete vindication.
2. Since so bad are the days, let us buy out the time
From selfish and mere mundane pleasures.
Let God’s Kingdom come first and his service sublime
That thus we may gain lasting treasures.
3. As you tell the good news, never once be dismayed,
Although you meet stiff opposition.
But with kindness and tact, persevere unafraid;
Be true to your preaching commission.
Then, preach this good news far and wide.
Help the meek take their stand on God’s side.
And thus help great and small on God’s grand name to call
And work for its sanctification.