Song 98
Contending for the Faith
(Jude 3)
1. Just as Jesus Christ had foretold,
Wicked works earth wide abound.
Cold has grown the love of many;
Very little faith is found.
Therefore, let us be contending
For the faith that was received
By the Christian congregation,
Who back there God’s Word believed.
2. Never let the Devil weaken
Our strong faith in things foretold;
But by study, pray’r, and service,
To the faith let’s firmly hold.
By our steadfastly contending,
Yielding not to doubt or fear,
We will strengthen one another
That thus all may persevere.
3. Use each avenue of service
For the true faith to contend.
Give a bold and faithful witness
Till this system has its end.
Through Jehovah’s vindication
Wickedness will no more be,
But to us will come salvation
Under his Theocracy.