Are You Preparing for the Memorial?
It was Nisan 13 of 33 C.E. Jesus knew that he had one final evening to spend with his closest associates before his execution. He would celebrate his last Passover with them and then institute a new observance, the Lord’s Evening Meal. Such an important occasion certainly required preparation. Therefore, he dispatched Peter and John to get things ready. (Luke 22:7-13) Every year since then, it has been necessary for Christians who desire to observe the Memorial to prepare for this event. (Luke 22:19) What basic things should we do to prepare for the upcoming Memorial on April 3?
Preparation by the Publishers:
Arrange to have a full share in the Memorial invitation campaign.
Make a list of Bible students, relatives, schoolmates, workmates, and other acquaintances, and invite them.
Read and meditate on the Memorial Bible reading.
Come to the Memorial ready to welcome visitors.