2016 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses 2016 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses Title Page/Publishers’ Page Contents 2016 Yeartext A Letter From the Governing Body HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PAST YEAR Highlights of the Past Year HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PAST YEAR “We Love JW Broadcasting So Much!” HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PAST YEAR Speeding Up Kingdom Hall Construction HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PAST YEAR How Is the Warwick Project Progressing? HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PAST YEAR Reaching the Unreachable HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PAST YEAR The Light Keeps Getting Brighter HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PAST YEAR Branch Dedications HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PAST YEAR New World Translation in More Languages HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PAST YEAR Legal Report HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PAST YEAR Dispatches—News From Around the World PREACHING AND TEACHING EARTH WIDE Preaching and Teaching Earth Wide PREACHING AND TEACHING EARTH WIDE Africa PREACHING AND TEACHING EARTH WIDE The Americas PREACHING AND TEACHING EARTH WIDE Asia and the Middle East PREACHING AND TEACHING EARTH WIDE Europe PREACHING AND TEACHING EARTH WIDE Oceania INDONESIA Indonesia INDONESIA An Overview of Indonesia INDONESIA The Spice Trade INDONESIA That Is Where I Want to Start! INDONESIA Early Preaching Methods INDONESIA The Bibelkring INDONESIA He Treasured Spiritual Riches INDONESIA West Java Bears Fruit INDONESIA Under the Japanese Yoke INDONESIA A Fearless Pioneer INDONESIA Gilead Missionaries Arrive INDONESIA The Work Expands East INDONESIA More Missionaries Arrive INDONESIA A True Daughter of Sarah INDONESIA A Memorable Convention INDONESIA I Survived a Communist Uprising INDONESIA Fifty Years a Special Pioneer INDONESIA From Crime Boss to Respected Citizen INDONESIA Determined to Move Forward INDONESIA They Did Not Forsake Meeting Together INDONESIA Christian Love in Times of Disaster INDONESIA We Would Not Compromise Our Faith INDONESIA We Obeyed Direction—And Lived! INDONESIA The Work Gains Momentum INDONESIA Proudly Declaring Jehovah’s Name INDONESIA A Branch Office in the Sky INDONESIA Jehovah Surpassed Our Expectations! INDONESIA Reunited at Last! ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO—1916 One Hundred Years Ago—1916 GRAND TOTALS 2015 Grand Totals Memorial Commemoration—Friday, April 3, 2015