It Is Helping Them Lead a More Meaningful Life
◼ The book “Come Be My Follower” has had a profound effect on many who have read it. “Jesus has been made more real to me,” said one woman. “I have grown in my appreciation of his role. I want to live a more meaningful life now and be a part of publishing the good news that mankind so desperately needs.”
A father writes: “The book has awakened me to the importance of imitating the perfect example that Jesus left us . . . In this book I have learned to meditate on Jesus’ teachings and on the qualities that he displayed when he was here on earth—humility, love, great patience, obedience, and perseverance. Jesus left an excellent example that has encouraged me to continue on.”
Another reader expressed full agreement with the statement on the back cover, which says, in part: “Jesus Christ is the God-given Leader whom every human needs. . . . This book will help you to know Jesus more intimately and to follow him more closely.” The reader then said, “The book truly helps us to love Jesus, to exercise faith in him, and to obey and follow him.”
“Come Be My Follower” has 192 pages, which include 13 full-page color pictures that depict different aspects of Jesus’ life on earth. You may request a copy of this book by filling in the accompanying coupon and mailing it to the address provided or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine.
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