How generously does Jehovah forgive?
See also 2Pe 3:9
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ps 78:40, 41; 106:36-46—Jehovah repeatedly forgives his wayward people, though their sinfulness causes him pain of heart
Lu 15:11-32—Jesus illustrates Jehovah’s forgiveness by describing a merciful father and his treatment of a wayward but repentant son
On what basis does Jehovah offer forgiveness of sins?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Heb 9:22-28—The apostle Paul explains how Christ’s blood is the only provision for the forgiveness of sins
Re 7:9, 10, 14, 15—The apostle John sees in vision “a great crowd” who have a clean standing before God because of Christ’s shed blood
If we want Jehovah to forgive us, what must we do when others sin against us?
Mt 6:14, 15; Mr 11:25; Lu 17:3, 4; Jas 2:13
Relevant Bible account(s):
Job 42:7-10—Before Jehovah removes Job’s tribulation and restores him to health and prosperity, He requires that Job pray in behalf of his three misguided companions
Mt 18:21-35—Jesus vividly illustrates the importance of forgiving others if we ourselves want to be forgiven
How important is confession and sincere repentance?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ps 32:1-5; 51:1, 2, 16, 17—Because of his serious sins, King David feels crushed and brokenhearted, and he sincerely repents
Jas 5:14-16—James explains that if we commit a serious sin, we should go to the elders
What changes must we make if we want Jehovah to forgive us?
Relevant Bible account(s):
1Ki 21:27-29; 2Ch 18:18-22, 33, 34; 19:1, 2—When King Ahab is judged, he humbles himself and Jehovah extends a measure of mercy to him; yet, he shows no evidence of real repentance, so Jehovah still sees him as wicked and has him put to death
2Ch 33:1-16—King Manasseh is extremely wicked; yet, Jehovah forgives him when he repents. Manasseh shows that he is truly a changed man by fighting idolatry and promoting pure worship
How complete is Jehovah’s forgiveness of repentant sinners?
Ps 103:10-14; Isa 1:18; 38:17; Jer 31:34; Mic 7:19
Relevant Bible account(s):
2Sa 12:13; 24:1; 1Ki 9:4, 5—Though David has committed very serious sins, Jehovah forgives the repentant king and later refers to him as a man of integrity
How did Jesus perfectly reflect Jehovah’s readiness to forgive?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Mt 26:36, 40, 41—Jesus’ closest followers fall asleep when he needs their support the most; nonetheless, Jesus kindly acknowledges their limitations
Mt 26:69-75; Lu 24:33, 34; Ac 2:37-41—Peter three times denies knowing Jesus, but Christ forgives his repentant apostle; Jesus appears to him personally after being resurrected and later gives him special privileges in the congregation
How do we know that there is a limit to Jehovah’s forgiveness?
Mt 12:31; Heb 10:26, 27; 1Jo 5:16, 17
Relevant Bible account(s):
Mt 23:29-33—Jesus warns the scribes and Pharisees that as a group they will face the judgment of Gehenna, or permanent destruction
Joh 17:12; Mr 14:21—Jesus calls Judas Iscariot “the son of destruction” and says that this traitor would have been better off if he had not been born