(See also Deaf; Ears; Listening; Sound; Voice)
animals: g03 3/8 6, 8-10
bat: g89 1/22 17-18
cobra: it-1 485-486; g93 7/22 31
owl: g04 6/22 29; g90 9/22 16-17
appreciation for Awake! articles on: g03 1/8 30
Bible usage: it-1 664-666; it-2 520-521
danger of—
headphones: g02 5/22 19; g99 1/8 29; g97 2/22 31; g86 8/22 29
loud music: g97 2/22 31; g96 8/8 28; g94 3/8 29; g90 6/22 30; g89 1/8 30; g89 10/22 29; g88 5/8 30
loud noise: g02 5/22 21; g02 9/22 29; g97 11/8 6
noisy toys: g05 7/22 29
detecting source of sound: g 5/11 6
discussion: g 5/11 5-6; g 3/10 3; g02 5/22 19-21; g97 9/22 21-23
evidence of Creator: ct 49-50
evidence one may be losing: g02 5/22 21
focusing: w13 2/15 27-28
hearing-impaired people:
communicating with: g97 9/22 24; g90 3/22 30; g89 8/22 8; g88 7/8 20
help for: g97 9/22 24; g89 8/22 4-10
hearing internal voices: w03 5/1 31
hearing Jehovah: it-2 1161; w14 8/15 21-25
Bible emphasis: it-1 665-666
“word behind you” (Isa 30:21): w22.11 11; w05 11/1 23; w04 9/1 17-18; w03 2/15 31
hearing Jesus: it-2 1161
dead to “hear the voice of the Son” (Joh 5:25): it-2 789
Hebrew word: it-2 520
fly Ormia ochracea: g03 4/22 31
praying mantis: g95 4/8 23; g86 7/8 30
Jehovah hears:
prayers: ijwbq article 26; scl 94; cl 247-248; wp21.1 5-7, 16; g21.1 14; it-2 667-668; mwb16.07 3; w10 4/1 7; w10 4/15 5; w10 12/1 7-9; w02 12/15 16-17
voice of his servants: it-2 1161
“let anyone hearing say: ‘Come!’” (Re 22:17): re 318
“let the one who has an ear hear” (Re 2, 3): re 36, 54, 65, 73; w89 4/1 14
meaning of term: w88 4/1 31
not being forgetful hearers (Jas 1:25): w01 6/15 13-18
protecting hearing: g02 5/22 19-21
sensitivity: it-1 664; g 5/11 5; g97 9/22 21
“swift about hearing” (Jas 1:19): g 11/10 19; g 3/06 9; fy 156, 186
tinnitus: g97 6/22 30; g96 9/22 26-27
under anesthesia: g88 7/8 30