(See also Atlantic Ocean; Beaches; Indian Ocean; Marine Life; Pacific Ocean; Seas; Tsunamis; Waves)
Antarctic Ocean:
krill decline: g05 11/22 28
appreciation for Awake! articles on: g01 7/22 30
benefits: w04 9/15 8-9
biodiversity: lc 10; g04 8/22 28
circulation beneath floor: g03 12/22 29
dead zone in Gulf of Mexico: g98 7/22 28
depth in contrast to elevation of land: gm 111-112
discussion: g23.1 6-8
first-person account: g86 12/22 16-19
skin diving in Looe Key: g87 1/22 15-17
drugs (medicinal) from: g95 9/22 31
over-harvesting: g96 8/22 29
effect of noise on sea mammals: g02 10/8 29
effect on climate: g 2/09 6-7; g89 9/8 6
energy from waves: g87 10/8 30
essential to life on earth: w90 7/1 3-4; g89 7/22 3; g89 9/22 31
fishing industry:
drift nets: g89 10/22 29
overfishing: g 11/08 20-23; g04 2/22 28; g03 11/22 3; g02 4/8 29; g95 1/8 29; g95 6/22 28
seabed dragging: g01 11/22 8; g98 4/8 29
trawling: g99 9/22 28
hydrothermal vents: g00 11/22 3-8, 10
life forms: g05 10/8 28; g03 1/8 29; g00 11/22 4-6, 8-11
mapping: g02 5/22 28
mid-ocean ridge system: g00 11/22 3-5
largest animals: g 12/09 15-17
life forms threatened: g23.1 6; g99 7/22 28
lost at sea:
adrift for five months: g88 10/8 30
hydrogen bomb: g89 8/22 28
pigeons used for search-and-rescue work: g87 8/8 29
map: g00 11/22 7
microlayer: g92 8/8 31
origin-of-life theories:
hydrothermal vents: g89 3/8 29
organic soup: g90 4/8 7; g87 1/22 6-7
oxygen from: g04 6/22 31; w90 7/1 3-4; g89 7/22 3
phytoplankton: g23.1 7; w04 6/1 12
pollution: g23.1 8; g17.6 5; g92 8/8 31; w90 7/1 3-4; g89 7/22 2-9
Pacific coastal waters: g97 1/8 29; g92 1/22 29
plastic: g23.1 6; g 7/07 22; g02 1/8 29; g89 7/22 4-6; g86 11/8 31
prevention: g97 1/8 29
red tide: g01 6/8 23-25
salt: it-2 842; g 7/06 16-18; g02 6/8 14
sea bean: g04 5/22 22-23
seagrass: g23.1 7
sea level rising: g 8/08 3; g05 7/22 6; g86 7/22 30-31
effect global warming would have: g89 9/8 5-6
self-cleaning mechanisms: g23.1 7; g90 5/8 10
surface irregularities used to map floor: g86 9/8 29
toy spill (1992): g04 5/8 28; g95 10/8 28-29
underwater nature reserve: g90 5/22 18-19
underwater robots: g 9/08 18
waves: w04 9/15 9
energy from: g87 10/8 30
getting larger in northeast Atlantic: g88 9/8 29
monster waves: g05 6/8 29
tsunamis: g05 7/22 31; g01 2/8 24-27
whales supply temperature readings: g88 1/22 29