Sample Presentations
To start Bible studies on the first Saturday in March
“Many people celebrate Jesus’ birth, but do you think it’s important to remember Jesus’ death?” Allow for response. Then hand the householder the March 1 Watchtower, and consider together the material under the first subheading on page 16 and at least one of the scriptures. Arrange to return to discuss the next question.
The Watchtower March 1
“There are many churches and denominations with various beliefs and practices. Do you think that everyone who claims to be Christian is really a Christian? [Allow for response.] According to Jesus, this is one identifying mark of true Christians. [Read John 13:34, 35.] This magazine discusses five statements of Jesus that help us to identify his true followers.”
Awake! March
“We’re talking to our neighbors about a disturbing trend. It seems that people today are increasingly angry and quick to lose their temper. What do you think is the cause? [Allow for response.] Notice something the Bible says about anger. [Read Psalm 37:8.] This magazine outlines some of the reasons for increased anger today as well as ways we can keep our anger under control.”