22 Ṣigba, yẹn dọna mì dọ mẹdepope he zindonukọn to homẹgble mẹ+ sọta mẹmẹsunnu etọn na dogbè to whẹdatẹn; podọ mẹdepope he nọ yí hogbe vlẹko tọn he ma yọ́n dọtọ́n zan na mẹmẹsunnu etọn na dogbè to Whẹdatẹn Daho Hugan; to whenuena mẹdepope he dọ, ‘Hiẹ nulunọ nuvọ́nọ!’ na jẹna Gẹhẹnna miyọ́n tọn.+