Iu Savve Kasem Blessing for Olowe From Creator
God promisim profet Abraham hao “evri nation” bae kasem blessing from wanfala pikinini wea bae kam from laen blo hem. (Genesis 22:18, NW) Hu nao datwan?
Samting olsem 2,000 year go finis, God givim paoa lo Jesus, wea hem kam from laen blo Abraham, for duim olketa mirakol. Olketa mirakol hia showimaot Jesus nao bae mekem pipol from evri nation for kasem datfala promis wea God mekem witim Abraham.—Galatia 3:14.
Olketa mirakol wea Jesus duim helpem pipol for luksavve hem nao man wea God bae iusim for mekem iumi olketa man for kasem blessing for olowe. Bae iumi lukim hao olketa mirakol blo Jesus showimaot samfala naes wei blo hem.
Tingim feeling blo man—Jesus healim pipol wea sik.
Wantaem, wanfala man wea garem leprosy begim Jesus for healim hem. Jesus tasim hem and sei: “Mi barava laek for duim!” Semtaem nomoa, leprosy blo hem finis nao.—Mark 1:40-42.
Kaen tumas—Jesus feedim pipol wea hangre.
Jesus no laekem pipol wea kam lo hem for hangre. Tufala taem hem duim mirakol for feedim staka thousand pipol witim tu-thri bred and tu-thri smol fish. (Matthew 14:17-21; 15:32-38) Evriwan satisfae bihaen olketa kaikai, and staka kaikai hem leftova.
Sorre lo man—Jesus mekem olketa wea dae finis for laef bak.
From Jesus garem wei for ‘barava sorre long man,’ hem mekem only son blo wanfala widow woman wea no garem eniwan for lukaftarem hem for laef bak.—Luke 7:12-15.