27 O etse aletare ka sefate sa leoka.+ E be bolelele ba dimithara tse ka hodimonyana ho tse pedi* le bophara ba dimithara tse ka hodimonyana ho tse pedi.* Aletare e be le mahlakore a mane a lekanang mme e be bophahamo bo ka hodimonyana ho mithara.*+ 2 O etse manaka+ dikhoneng tsa yona tse nne. Manaka ao e be karolo ya aletare mme o kwahele aletare ka koporo.+ 3 O etse dinkgo tsa ho tlosa molora* wa yona le dikgarafu, dikotlolo, difereko le dipane tsa mollo. O etse disebediswa tsohle tsa yona ka koporo.+ 4 O etsetse aletare sefe ya koporo mme hodima sefe eo o etse direng tse nne tsa koporo dikhoneng tsa yona tse nne. 5 O e behe tlasa foreimi ya aletare mme sefe e dule bohareng ba aletare. 6 O etsetse aletare dipalo ka sefate sa leoka mme o di kwahele ka koporo. 7 Dipalo di kenngwe masobeng a direng e le hore di ka ba mahlakoreng a mabedi a aletare ha e jarwa.+ 8 O etse aletare hore e be lebokose le bulehileng la mapolanka. E etswe feela jwalo ka ha o e bontshitswe thabeng.+
9 O kampele lebala+ la tabernakele. Ka lehlakoreng le ka borwa o kampele lebala ka masela a lepeletseng a line ya boleng bo botle e lohilweng, a etsang bolelele ba dimithara tse ka bang 45.*+ 10 Masela a kampetseng lebala a be le dipilara tse 20 le ditshehetso tse sekoti tse 20 tsa koporo. Dihakisi tsa dipilara le direng* tsa tsona e be tsa silevera. 11 Masela a lepeletseng ka lehlakoreng le ka leboya le ona a etse bolelele ba dimithara tse ka bang 45.* Hape ho be le dipilara tsa ona tse 20 le ditshehetso tsa dipilara tse sekoti tse 20 tsa koporo le dihakisi tsa silevera le direng* tsa silevera bakeng sa dipilara. 12 Ho be le masela a lepeletseng ka lehlakoreng le ka bophirimela a bolelele ba dimithara tse ka bang 22* ho ya ka bophara ba lebala le dipilara tse leshome le ditshehetso tse sekoti tse leshome. 13 Bophara ba lebala ka lehlakoreng le ka botjhabela ke dimithara tse ka bang 22.* 14 Ho be le masela a lepeletseng a bolelele ba dimithara tse ka bang tse supileng* ka lehlakoreng le leng le dipilara tse tharo le ditshehetso tse sekoti tse tharo.+ 15 Ka lehlakoreng le leng ho be le masela a lepeletseng a bolelele ba dimithara tse ka bang tse supileng* le dipilara tse tharo le ditshehetso tse sekoti tse tharo.
16 Keiti ya lebala e be le kgaretene e bolelele ba dimithara tse ka bang robong* e entsweng ka kgwele e putswa, ka ulu e pherese, ka lesela le lefubedu le ka line ya boleng bo botle e lohilweng,+ di rokellwe ha mmoho mme ho be le dipilara tse nne le ditshehetso tsa tsona tse sekoti tse nne.+ 17 Dipilara tsohle ho potoloha lebala di be le dintho tse di tlamellang tsa silevera le dihakisi tsa silevera empa ditshehetso tsa dipilara tse sekoti e be tsa koporo.+ 18 Bolelele ba lebala le kampetsweng ka masela e be dimithara tse ka bang 45*+ le bophara ba dimithara tse ka bang 22* mme masela ao a line ya boleng bo botle e lohilweng a be bophahamo ba dimithara tse ka hodimonyana ho tse pedi.* Hape a be le ditshehetso tse sekoti tsa koporo. 19 Dintho tsohle tse sebediswang tshebeletsong ya tabernakele le ditshepe* tsohle tsa yona tsa tente ha mmoho le ditshepe* tsohle tsa masela a lebala e be tsa koporo.+
20 O laele Baiseraele hore ba o tlisetse oli e hlwekileng ya mohlwaare o tutsweng bakeng sa lebone e le hore mabone a dule a kgantshitse.+ 21 Ka hara tabernakele,* ka ntle ho kgaretene e pela Bopaki,+ Arone le bara ba hae ba hlophise hore mabone a dule a kgantshitse ka pela Jehova ho tloha mantsiboya ho fihlela hoseng.+ Ke taelo e tla dula e le teng bakeng sa meloko yohle ya Baiseraele hore ba e phethe.+