Motho o’nile a batla Molimo ka li-tsela tse ngata haholo historing ea moloko oa batho e nkileng lilemo tse likete. Phello e bile litlhaloso tse sa tšoaneng haholo tsa bolumeli—ho qala ka mefuta e sa tšoaneng ea Bohindu ho fihla ho Bojode, Boislām, le Bokreste-’mōtoana tse rapelang Molimo o le mong ho fihla lifilosofing tsa Bochabela tsa Boshinto, Botao, Bobuddha, le Boconfucius. Libakeng tse ling tse khōlō, moloko oa batho o retelehetse ho rapeleng meea e se nang ’mele, matla a boloi, tumelo ea ho buisana le bafu ka thuso ea lilaoli, le Boshaman. Na ho batla Molimo ka tsela ee ho atlehile? Ho sa tsotellehe hore na ua bolumeli bofe, rea u mema ka buka ena hore u kopanele patlong ena e hapang maikutlo ea Molimo oa ’nete.—Bahatisi
Matšoao a liphetolelo tsa Bibele le libuka tse ling tsa bolumeli tse sebelisitsoeng mona:
AS - American Standard Version, American Revision Committee (1901)
AYA - The Holy Qur-an, phetolelo ea Abdullah Yusuf Ali (1934)
BG - Bhagavad-gītā as It Is, Phetolelo e Khutsufalitsoeng, phetolelo ea
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda (1976)
BPN - Bibele-Phetolelo e Ncha, Mokhatlo oa Bibele oa Afrika Boroa (1989)
Int - The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures (1985)
JP - The Holy Scriptures, The Jewish Publication Society of America (1955)
KJ - King James Version (1611)
MMP - The Glorious Qur’an, phetolelo ea Muhammad M. Pickthall (1977)
NAB - The New American Bible, Phetolelo ea Mohalaleli Joseph (1970)
NJD - The Koran, phetolelo ea N. J. Dawood (1974)
NW - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References (1984)
RS - Revised Standard Version, Phetolelo ea K’hatholike (1966)
Ta - Tanakh, The Holy Scriptures, Phetolelo ea The New Jewish Publication Society (1985)
Ntle leha ho boletsoe kahosele, mangolo a Bibele a qotsitsoeng le a boletsoeng feela a tsoa Bibeleng ea Sesotho.