9 The first agreement get law wey them de follow for the holy work and the holy place wey dey for the earth. 2 And for inside the first room wey them build for the tent, the lampstand and the table and the showbread* dey there. Them de call this room the Holy Place. 3 But for back of the second curtain, the room for the tent wey them de call the Most Holy dey there. 4 This place get the incense container wey them make with gold and the ark* of the agreement wey them cover the whole body with gold. And the things wey dey inside the ark na: the jar wey them make with gold wey get the manna, the rod of Aaron wey grow flower, and the stone slate of the agreement. 5 Fine-fine cherubs dey ontop the ark and their shadow spread ontop the cover* of the ark. But now no be the time to tell una everything about this things.
6 After them build this things like this, the priest de always enter the first room for the tent to do the holy work them. 7 But only the high priest de enter the second room, one time every year, and e must enter with blood wey e go give as sacrifice for imself and for the sins wey the people do wey them no know. 8 So the holy spirit make-am clear say, them never show anybody the way to enter the holy place when the first tent still dey. 9 This tent na example of wetin dey now, and as e be for this arrangement, them de give gifts and de do sacrifice them, but this things no go fit make the conscience of the person wey de worship God dey perfect. 10 This things na only about food, drinks, and different-different ways to make people and things dey clean.* Them be wetin law talk about the body, and people must do-am until the correct time reach to make things straight.
11 But when Christ come as high priest of the good things wey don already happen, e enter the tent wey dey more important and wey better pass, wey them no make with hand, and this one mean say no be for this earth. 12 E enter the holy place, no be with blood of goats and of young bulls, but na with im own blood. E do this one once and for all, and e don free us* forever. 13 If the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of young cow* wey them sprinkle ontop people wey no dey clean fit make them dey holy and clean for body, 14 the blood of Christ no go fit do pass that one? With the help of the spirit wey de last forever, e give imself to God as sacrifice wey no get stain, and im blood clean our conscience from useless things* so that we fit worship the God wey dey alive.
15 Because of that one, e be the middleman for the new agreement, so that the people wey God don call go fit receive the promise to get the blessings wey no go end. All this one dey possible because e die to pay the price wey free people from their sins when them dey under the first agreement. 16 When agreement dey, the death of the person wey make the agreement go need to dey. 17 The reason na say, agreement de work when the person die, because e no go start to work as long as say the person wey make the agreement still dey alive. 18 Na so e still be, the first agreement for no work* if to say them no use blood. 19 When Moses tell all the people all the commandments for the Law, e take the blood of young bulls and goats, with water, and use red wool material and hyssop plant, to sprinkle-am ontop the book* and all the people, 20 and talk say: “This one na the blood of the agreement wey God don command una to obey.” 21 E still sprinkle the blood for the tent and for all the things wey them de use do holy work.* 22 True-true, as e be for the Law, them de make almost everything dey clean with blood, and if them no pour blood, God no go forgive the sins of the people.
23 So e dey important to use this way clean the things wey be example of the things for heaven, but the things for heaven go need sacrifice them wey better pass this one by far. 24 Christ no enter holy place wey them make with hand, wey be like the real one, but e enter heaven, and now, e don dey for front of* God for us. 25 E no do this one make e de give imself as sacrifice plenty times, like when the high priest de enter the holy place every year with blood wey no be im own. 26 If na so, e for suffer plenty times from when the world start. But now, e don show imself clear once and for all for the last days of the world* to sacrifice imself to remove sin. 27 And just as men must die once and for all, but after that one, them go get judgment, 28 na so Christ give imself as sacrifice once and for all to carry the sins of plenty people. And the second time wey e go come, no be because of sin,* and the people wey de really look for-am make e save them, go see-am.