27 Now as them don decide say make we enter ship go Italy, them give Paul and some other prisoners to one army officer wey im name na Julius, wey dey among one group of soldiers wey them de call Au·gus′tus. 2 As we enter inside one ship from Ad·ra·myt′ti·um wey want go different-different place wey near sea for Asia, our ship move comot. One person wey im name na Ar·is·tar′chus dey with us, e come from Thes·sa·lo·ni′ca wey dey the area of Mac·e·do′ni·a. 3 The next day, we stop for Si′don. And Julius dey kind for the way e treat Paul and e allow-am to go see im friends and make them take care of-am.
4 And as we enter ship and start to travel from there, we pass near Cy′prus to hide because the strong breeze de blow against us. 5 Then we pass through the big sea wey near Ci·li′cia and Pam·phyl′i·a and park the ship for My′ra wey dey Ly′ci·a. 6 For there, the army officer see one ship from Alexandria wey de go Italy and e make us enter inside the ship. 7 Then after we don move slow-slow for some days, we reach Cni′dus but e hard us. Because the breeze no allow us move go front, we move near Crete for Sal·mo′ne to hide from the breeze. 8 And we continue to move for the side of the sea wey near land even as e hard us. So we reach one place wey them de call Fair Havens* wey near the city of La·se′a.
9 Long time don pass and now, e no dey safe to travel for sea because even the fast wey them de do for Atonement Day* don already end. So Paul give advice 10 to them say: “Men, I de see say this journey go bring problem and we no go only lose plenty of the things wey we carry and the ship, but we go still lose our life.* 11 But the army officer listen to the person wey de control the ship and the person wey get the ship instead of wetin Paul de talk. 12 Since the place wey ship de stay no good for cold season, plenty of the people advice say make them move comot from there to see whether somehow them fit reach Phoenix and stay there for the cold season. This place na where ship de stay for Crete wey face northeast and southeast.
13 When the breeze from the south de blow small-small, them be think say them don succeed for the thing wey them get for mind, and them raise their anchor and start to move for the side of the water for Crete wey near the land. 14 But after small time, one strong breeze wey them de call Eu·ro·aq′ui·lo* start to really blow come.* 15 As the strong breeze hold the ship and e no fit face the breeze wey de blow, we leave-am make e push us de go. 16 Then we hurry go where one small island dey wey them de call Cau′da to hide ourself. And even with that one, e hard for us to control the small boat wey dey back of the ship. 17 But after them carry-am put inside the ship, them use rope hold the ship from under. And because them de fear say the ship fit hook for inside the sand wey dey the sea wey be Syr′tis,* them lower the gear* and so the breeze carry them de go. 18 Because the strong breeze de blow us anyhow, them start to reduce load for the ship the next day to make-am light. 19 And for the third day, them use their own hand troway some of the tools from the ship.
20 When we no see sun or stars for many days and one heavy rain with strong breeze de blow us up and down, last-last we start to lose all the hope wey we get say we go survive. 21 After them no chop for long time, Paul stand up among them and talk say: “Men, true-true, una for take my advice and for no enter the ship to start this journey from Crete. And because of that one we face this problem and lose things. 22 But now, I de advice una say make una dey strong, because nobody* among una go die, na only the ship go scatter. 23 For night one angel of the God wey get me and wey I de do holy work for, stand near me 24 and talk say: ‘Paul no fear. You must stand for front of Caesar, and see! because of you, God don save everybody wey dey the ship with you.’ 25 So men, make una dey strong, because I believe God say everything go happen just as e don tell me. 26 But, our ship must scatter for one island for the sea.”
27 Now when 14 nights reach, and the breeze de carry us anyhow for the Sea of A′dri·a, for midnight the people wey de work for the ship start to feel say them don de near land. 28 When them measure how the sea deep reach, them see say na around 36 meters,* so them move go front small and them measure-am again and see say na around 27 meters.* 29 And because them de fear say we fit jam rocks for inside the sea, them throw four anchors from the back of the ship and start to wish say make day break. 30 But the people wey de work for the ship de try to escape from the ship. So them start to lower the small boat enter the sea and de pretend like say them want bring the anchors come down from front of the ship. 31 As them de do this one, Paul tell the army officer and the soldiers say: “If this men no remain for inside the ship, una no go fit survive.” 32 Then the soldiers cut the ropes of the small boat and leave-am make e fall comot.
33 Now when day don de break, Paul encourage all of them say make them chop, and talk say: “Today go make-am 14 days wey una don de wait and de worry, and una never chop anything at all. 34 So I de encourage una say make una chop food; this one na for una own good, because no hair for any of una head go fall comot.” 35 After e talk this one, e take bread, e thank God for front of all of them, e break-am and start to chop. 36 So all of them get strong heart and start to take food by theirself. 37 All of us wey dey the ship na 276 people.* 38 When them don chop belleful, them troway the wheat for inside the sea to make the ship light.
39 When daytime reach, them see one land but them no know the place. But them see one beach wey the sand-sand enter the sea and decide say them go try move the ship reach that place if them fit. 40 So them cut the anchors comot and leave them make them fall enter the sea. And for the same time, them loose the ropes wey them use tie the paddles of the ship; and after them don raise the cloth wey them tie for front of the ship for the breeze to blow-am, them start to move go the beach. 41 When them jam plenty sand wey water from the sea don wash gather for each side for the sea, them try to move the ship fast reach the land, and the front of the ship hook for the sand and e no fit move. But the waves start to scatter back of the ship to pieces. 42 So the soldiers decide say them go kill the prisoners so that nobody go fit swim comot and run. 43 But the army officer don decide say e no go allow anything happen to Paul, so e stop them make them no do wetin them don plan. E command people wey fit swim make them jump enter the sea and swim go land first, 44 and the rest of them follow, some dey ontop planks and some dey ontop pieces of the ship wey don scatter. Na so everybody reach land and nothing do them.