4 Jesus come comot from the Jordan, and holy spirit full im body. The spirit come de lead-am go different-different place for the wilderness 2 for 40 days, and the Devil tempt-am for there. E no chop any food all that time, so when the days don end, e come de hungry. 3 So Devil come tell-am say: “If you be son of God, tell this stone make e turn to bread.” 4 But Jesus answer-am say: “Them write-am say, ‘No be only bread go make person dey alive.’”
5 Then e carry Jesus go one high place and show-am all the kingdoms wey dey for the world at once. 6 Devil come tell-am say: “I go give you authority to control all of them and their better-better things because them don carry-am give me and I de give-am to anybody wey I want. 7 So if you bow down for my front and worship me,* na you go get everything.” 8 Jesus come answer-am say: “Them write-am say, ‘Na Jehovah your God you must worship, and na only-am you must do holy work for.’”
9 Then e carry-am enter Jerusalem, e come make-am stand for the place wey high pass* for the temple and tell-am say: “If you be son of God, jump down from here, 10 because them write-am say, ‘E go give im angels command about you to protect you,’ 11 and, ‘Them go carry you for their hand so that you no go nack leg for any stone.’” 12 Jesus come answer-am say: “Them talk-am for the word of God say, ‘Make you no ever test Jehovah your God.’” 13 So when Devil don tempt-am finish, e comot leave-am until e go see another chance.
14 Now, the spirit come move Jesus come back to Gal′i·lee, and the better things wey people de talk about-am spread full all the village them wey dey around there. 15 And e start to teach for their synagogues, all the people come de praise-am.
16 Then e go Naz′a·reth, the place wey e grow, and as e de always do for Sabbath day, e enter synagogue and e stand up so that e go read. 17 So them give-am the scroll of prophet Isaiah, e come open the scroll and see the place wey them write say: 18 “Jehovah spirit dey with me because e don anoint me to preach the good news to poor people, e send me to announce to people wey them catch as slaves say, them go free them, and to tell blind people say them go see again. To release people wey them de oppress make them go free, 19 to preach the year of Jehovah favor.” 20 Then e fold the scroll, give-am back to the attendant and sitdown, and all the people wey dey the synagogue just de look-am. 21 E come start to tell them say: “Na today wetin them write for this scripture wey una just hear, happen.”
22 All of them come start to talk better things about-am, and them de surprise because of the sweet-sweet words wey de come out from im mouth. Them come de ask say: “No be Joseph pikin be this?” 23 Because of this one, e come tell them say: “I sure say una go talk this one about me say, ‘Doctor, make you first cure yourself. The things wey we hear say you do for Ca·per′na·um, make you still do them for here wey be your area.’” 24 So e talk say: “True-true I de tell una say no prophet dey wey them de respect for im own area. 25 For example, I de tell una the truth say: Many widows be dey Israel for the time of E·li′jah when rain no fall for three years and six months, and serious hunger come dey for the whole land. 26 But God no send E·li′jah go meet any of those women, instead e send-am go meet one widow for Zar′e·phath wey dey the land of Si′don. 27 Apart from that one, plenty people be get leprosy for Israel for the time of E·li′sha the prophet, still them no make any one of them clean,* only Na′a·man wey be Syria person.” 28 All the people wey de hear this things for the synagogue come vex no be small. 29 Them come stand up and drag-am quick-quick go outside the city. Them carry-am go the edge of the mountain wey them build the city ontop, so that them go push-am make e fall from there. 30 But e pass their middle waka comot.
31 Then e go Ca·per′na·um, wey be one city for Gal′i·lee. E come de teach them for Sabbath day, 32 and the way e teach really surprise the people, because e talk with authority. 33 That time, one man be dey for the synagogue wey wicked spirit dey im body, and e shout with loud voice say: 34 “Ah! Wetin we get to do together, Jesus wey come from Naz′a·reth? You come here come destroy us? I know exactly who you be, you be the Holy One of God.” 35 But Jesus command-am say: “Shut up, come out of im body.” So after the demon don make the man fall for ground for their front, e come out of im body and e no wound-am. 36 This one come make all the people really surprise, them come start to tell each other say: “Which kind talk be this? Because e de use authority and power command the wicked spirits and them de come out!” 37 So the news about-am continue to spread for everywhere for the village them wey dey around there.
38 After e don comot from the synagogue, e come enter Simon house. That time, the mama of Simon wife get high fever, them come tell Jesus make e help-am. 39 So Jesus stand near where the woman lie down and command the fever, the fever come comot from im body. At once, the woman get up and start to do things for them.
40 But when sun don de go down, all the people wey their people get different-different kind of sickness come carry them come meet-am, e come put im hand ontop each of them and e cure them. 41 Demons still come out of many people and them de shout say: “You be the Son of God.” But e go give them serious warning and no go let them talk, because them know say na im be the Christ.
42 But when morning reach, e comot from there and go one place wey people no dey, but the plenty people come start to look for-am come where e dey and them try to stop-am make e no comot leave them. 43 But e tell them say: “I must tell people the good news of the Kingdom of God for other cities too, because na that one be the reason why them send me come this earth.” 44 So e continue to preach for the synagogues wey dey Ju·de′a.