6 Now that time, when the disciples de plenty more-more, the Jew people wey de speak Greek start to complain about the Jew people wey de speak Hebrew, because their widows no de get their share of things wey them de share everyday. 2 So the Twelve* call all the disciples together and talk say: “E no good* make we leave the word of God de share food for tables. 3 So, my brothers, make una choose for unaself from among una, seven men wey people de talk well about, wey really get spirit and sense, so that we go fit appoint them to care for this important matter. 4 But we go put all our heart for prayer and for the work wey concern the word.” 5 All the disciples really like wetin them talk, and them choose Stephen, man wey really get faith and holy spirit, with Philip, Proch′o·rus, Ni·ca′nor, Ti′mon, Par′me·nas, and Nic·o·la′us from Antioch, wey join Jew religion. 6 Them bring them come meet the apostles, and after them don pray, them put their hand ontop them.
7 So the word of God continue to spread, and the number of disciples continue to add no be small for Jerusalem. And plenty-plenty priests start to obey the faith.
8 Now Stephen, wey receive plenty favor and power from God de do big-big wonderful things and signs among the people. 9 But some men wey dey one group wey them de call Synagogue of Free People, together with some people from Cy·re′ne and Alexandria, and some people from Ci·li′cia and Asia, come out to argue with Stephen. 10 But them no fit win the sense and the spirit wey Stephen de use talk. 11 Then, them hide go make some men to talk say: “We don hear-am de talk bad things against Moses and God.” 12 And them make the people, the elders, and the scribes, vex for Stephen, and at once them rush come meet-am, them use force hold-am and take-am go the San′he·drin. 13 And them bring people wey go lie about wetin them no see, and the people talk say: “This man no de stop to talk things against the holy place and against the Law. 14 For example, we don hear-am de talk say this Jesus wey come from Naz·a·reth go scatter this place and change the tradition wey Moses don pass to us.”
15 And as all the people wey sitdown for the San′he·drin de look-am, them see say im face be like the face of angel.