25 So after Festus come the area and start to rule,* e go up to Jerusalem from Caes·a·re′a after three days. 2 And the chief priests and the big men among the Jew people tell-am the things wey them get against Paul. So them start to beg Festus 3 make e show them favor and send Paul come Jerusalem. But them de plan to hide wait for Paul and kill-am for road. 4 But, Festus tell them say Paul go continue to dey for Caes·a·re′a and say small time, e* go soon go back there. 5 E talk say: “So make people wey get position among una follow me go and talk wetin them get against-am, if true-true say the man don do any bad thing.”
6 So when e don spend like eight or ten days among them, e go down to Caes·a·re′a and the next day e sitdown for the judgment seat and command say make them bring Paul. 7 When e come inside, the Jew people wey don come from Jerusalem stand around-am and them talk many serious bad things against-am wey them no fit prove.
8 But Paul talk to defend imself say: “I no do any bad thing against the Law of Jew people or against the temple or against Caesar.” 9 Because Festus want make the Jew people like-am, e answer Paul say: “You want go Jerusalem make them judge you for my front for there about this things?” 10 But Paul talk say: “I de stand for front of the judgment seat of Caesar, where them suppose judge me. I no do Jew people any bad thing, and you too don de really see say this one na true. 11 If I really don do bad thing and I don do anything wey make me suppose to die, I no de beg make them no kill me; but if this men no fit prove the things wey them get against me, nobody get right to put me for their hand just to make them happy. I want make Caesar hear my case!” 12 Then after Festus don talk to the group of people wey de give advice, e talk say: “You don talk say you want make Caesar hear your case, so you go go meet Caesar.”
13 After some days don pass, King A·grip′pa and Bernice go greet Festus for Caes·a·re′a. 14 Since them go spend some days for there, Festus tell the king about the case wey Paul get, and e talk say:
“One man dey wey Felix leave as prisoner, 15 and when I be dey Jerusalem, the chief priests and the elders of Jew people tell me about-am, and tell me say make I judge-am as person wey suppose die. 16 But I tell them say no be the way Rome de do things. Them no de give any man to people just to make them happy, when the man wey people dey against never meet the people wey dey against-am face-to-face, and e never get any chance to talk something to defend imself about wetin them talk against-am. 17 So when them reach here, I no waste time, but the next day I sitdown for the judgment seat and command make them bring the man. 18 So the people wey get things against-am stand up. But from wetin them talk, I no hear any of the wicked things wey I de expect to hear say e do. 19 Them only de argue with-am about their own religion and about one man wey im name na Jesus wey be don die, but wey Paul continue to talk say e dey alive. 20 Since I no really dey sure about how to handle this matter, I ask-am if e go like to go Jerusalem make them judge the case for there. 21 But when Paul talk say e want continue to dey under arrest de wait for the decision wey Caesar* go make, I command say make them keep-am until I go send-am go meet Caesar.
22 So A·grip′pa tell Festus say: “I go like to hear from this man by myself.” E talk say, “Tomorrow, you go hear from-am.” 23 So the next day, A·grip′pa and Bernice come for big way and enter the hall wey them de use judge case, together with the army commanders and the big men for the city. And when Festus give the command, them bring Paul come inside. 24 And Festus talk say: “King A·grip′pa and all of una wey dey here with us, make una see the man wey the whole Jew people for Jerusalem and for here don bring im case to me and de shout say e no suppose dey alive again. 25 But I see say e never do anything wey suppose make them kill-am. So when this man talk say e want make Caesar hear im case, I decide to send-am go. 26 But I no get anything to write about this man to my Lord. So I bring-am come all of una front and especially for front of you, King A·grip′pa, so that after we don check the case, I fit get something to write. 27 Because for me, e be like say e no make sense to send prisoner go, and no still show the things wey them talk say e do.”