3 For the 15th year wey Ti·be′ri·us Caesar don de rule, when Pontius Pilate be governor of Ju·de′a, and Herod* de rule the area of Gal′i·lee, Philip im brother de rule the area of It·u·rae′a and Trach·o·ni′tis, and Ly·sa′ni·as de rule the area of Ab·i·le′ne, 2 for the time of chief priest An′nas and Ca′ia·phas, God come give one message to John the son of Zech·a·ri′ah when e dey for wilderness.
3 So e go inside all the area wey dey around the Jordan, de preach about baptism wey be sign to show say person don repent so that God go forgive im sins, 4 just as them write-am for the book of Isaiah the prophet say: “Them de hear one loud voice from wilderness wey de talk say: ‘Make Jehovah road* ready! Make im roads straight. 5 Them must fill every valley and level every mountain and hill; them must make road wey bend straight and them must make any road wey rough smooth; 6 and everybody go see how God go take save people.’”
7 So e start to tell the plenty people wey de come make e baptize them, say: “Una wey be children of vipers,* who warn una say make una run comot from the punishment wey God de bring? 8 So, make una do wetin* show say una don repent. Make una no tell unaself say, ‘Abraham na our papa.’ Because I de tell una say God fit bring children out of this stones for Abraham. 9 True-true, them don already put the ax for the bottom of the trees, so every tree wey no de produce better fruit, them go cut-am down and throw-am put for fire.”
10 The plenty people come de ask-am say: “So, wetin we suppose do?” 11 E come answer them say: “Make person wey get two cloth* share with person wey no get any one, and make the person wey get something to chop do the same thing.” 12 Even people wey de collect tax come meet-am say make e baptize them. Them come ask-am say: “Teacher, wetin we suppose do?” 13 E come tell them say: “Make una no tell people to pay* pass the amount wey them suppose pay as tax.” 14 Soldiers too ask-am say: “Wetin we suppose do?” E come tell them say: “Make una no oppress* anybody or talk say person do wetin e no do, but make wetin una get* reach una.”
15 That time, the people be de expect the Christ, so for their heart, all of them come de reason about John say, “Abi na im be the Christ?” 16 John come tell them the answer, e tell all of them say: “Me, na water I de take baptize una, but the person wey strong pass me de come. I no even reach to loose the rope of im sandals. E go use holy spirit and fire baptize una. 17 Im shovel wey e take de blow chaff* comot dey im hand, to clean the place wey e de separate grain from plant make single dirty no dey, and e go pack the wheat put for the storehouse, but e go burn the chaff with fire wey them no fit quench.”
18 E still talk plenty other things to give advice, and e continue to tell the people the good news. 19 But John be don correct Herod wey be the ruler for the area about He·ro′di·as wey be the wife of Herod brother, and about all the bad-bad things wey Herod don do. Because of this one, 20 Herod come still do this bad thing join: E carry John put for prison.
21 For the time wey John baptize all the people, e baptize Jesus too. As Jesus de pray, heaven* come open, 22 and holy spirit wey appear like dove come down ontop-am. One voice come talk from heaven* say: “You be my Son wey I love, you de make me happy.”
23 When Jesus start im work, e dey around 30 years, and as people know-am,
e be the son of Joseph,
son of He′li,
24 son of Mat′that,
son of Le′vi,
son of Mel′chi,
son of Jan′na·i,
son of Joseph,
25 son of Mat·ta·thi′as,
son of A′mos,
son of Na′hum,
son of Es′li,
son of Nag′ga·i,
26 son of Ma′ath,
son of Mat·ta·thi′as,
son of Sem′e·in,
son of Jo′sech,
son of Jo′da,
27 son of Jo·an′an,
son of Rhe′sa,
son of Ze·rub′ba·bel,
son of She·al′ti·el,
son of Ne′ri,
28 son of Mel′chi,
son of Ad′di,
son of Co′sam,
son of El·ma′dam,
son of Er,
29 son of Jesus,
son of E·li·e′zer,
son of Jo′rim,
son of Mat′that,
son of Le′vi,
30 son of Sym′e·on,
son of Judas,
son of Joseph,
son of Jo′nam,
son of E·li′a·kim,
31 son of Me′le·a,
son of Men′na,
son of Mat′ta·tha,
son of Nathan,
son of David,
32 son of Jes′se,
son of O′bed,
son of Bo′az,
son of Sal′mon,
son of Nah′shon,
33 son of Am·min′a·dab,
son of Ar′ni,
son of Hez′ron,
son of Pe′rez,
son of Judah,
34 son of Jacob,
son of Isaac,
son of Abraham,
son of Te′rah,
son of Na′hor,
35 son of Se′rug,
son of Re′u,
son of Pe′leg,
son of E′ber,
son of She′lah,
36 son of Ca·i′nan,
son of Ar·pach′shad,
son of Shem,
son of Noah,
son of La′mech,
37 son of Me·thu′se·lah,
son of E′noch,
son of Ja′red,
son of Ma·ha′la·le·el,
son of Ca·i′nan,
38 son of E′nosh,
son of Seth,
son of Adam,
son of God.