First Corinthians
7 Now make I talk about the things wey una write, e go better make man no touch woman.* 2 But because plenty people de do sex wey no clean,* make each man get im own wife, and make each woman get im own husband. 3 Make the husband satisfy the need* of im wife, and make the wife still do the same thing for im husband. 4 The wife no get right for im own body, but na im husband get-am; for the same way, the husband no get right for im own body, but na im wife get-am. 5 Make una no stop to give each other wetin be im right unless una agree to stop for some time, so that una go get more time for prayer and fit come together again, and this one go make Satan no continue to tempt una because una no get enough self-control. 6 But this one wey I talk, na something wey una go fit do, no be say na command. 7 But I wish say everybody fit be like me. But, each person get im own gift from God, one person fit be like this, another person fit be like that.
8 Now I de talk to people wey no marry and to widows say e better for them to dey as I dey. 9 But if them no fit control theirself, make them marry, because e better to marry than to de get strong feeling for sex.
10 I de tell people wey don marry, no be me talk-am but na the Lord, say make wife no separate from im husband. 11 But if the wife separate, make e no marry another person, instead make e settle with im husband; and make husband no leave im wife.
12 But for the other people, na me, no be the Lord, de tell them say: If any brother get wife wey no believe the good news and the wife agree to stay with the brother, make e no leave im wife. 13 And if woman get husband wey no believe the good news, and the man agree to stay with the woman, make the woman no leave im husband. 14 The husband wey no believe the good news dey holy because of im wife, and the wife wey no believe the good news dey holy because of the husband wey believe the good news;* if no be so, una children no go dey clean, but now, them dey holy. 15 But if the person wey no believe the good news decide to comot,* make e comot. No law hold any brother or sister for this kind condition, but God don call una to give una peace. 16 Wife, you know whether you go save your husband? Or, husband, you know whether you go save your wife?
17 Even with that one, just as Jehovah don give each person im own share, make each person de waka as God don call-am, and so I de give this direction to all the congregations. 18 God call any man when e don already circumcise? Make e continue like that. God call any man when e never circumcise? Make e no circumcise. 19 When person circumcise, e no mean anything, and when person no circumcise, e no mean anything. Wetin dey important na to obey the commandments of God. 20 Any condition wey person dey when God call-am, make e continue to dey like that. 21 You be slave when God call you? Make e no worry you. But if you get the chance to dey free, make you use the chance. 22 Anybody wey be slave when God call-am to be one with the Lord, don be person wey them don free for the Lord. For the same way, anybody wey be free person when God call-am, don be slave of Christ. 23 God buy una with price; make una stop to be slave of people. 24 My brothers, any condition wey person dey when God call-am, make e continue to dey like that for front of God.
25 Now, as for virgins,* I no get any command from the Lord, but I de talk wetin I think as person wey the Lord don show mercy so that I go be person wey them fit trust.* 26 So, because of the hard condition wey dey now, I think say the best thing na for man to continue to dey as e dey. 27 You don marry wife? No de try to free yourself. You no get wife? No de try to find wife. 28 But even if you marry, you no sin. And if virgin marry, this kind person no sin. But people wey marry go get problems for their body, but I de try to save una.
29 So my brothers, the thing wey I de talk na say, na small time remain. From now, make people wey get wife be like say them no get. 30 And make people wey de cry be like people wey no de cry, and make people wey de happy be like people wey no de happy, and make people wey de buy be like people wey no get, 31 and make people wey de use the world be as people wey no de use-am finish, because the condition of this world de change. 32 The truth be say, I want make una dey free from worry-worry. The man wey no marry de worry about the things of the Lord, how e fit make the Lord happy. 33 But the man wey don marry de worry about the things of the world, how e fit make im wife happy, 34 and im mind don divide. Another thing be say, the woman wey no marry, and the virgin, de worry about the things of the Lord, so that e fit dey holy for im body and for im mind.* But the woman wey don marry de worry about the things of the world, how e fit make im husband happy. 35 But I de talk this one for una own good. No be to remove una freedom,* but na to make una do the correct thing, and to make una de serve the Lord with all una heart, with nothing to divide una mind.
36 But if anybody think say e de behave anyhow as e no marry,* and if e don pass the young age when body de push person for sex, this one na wetin e go do: Make e do wetin e want, e no sin, make them marry. 37 But if anybody don decide for im heart, and e no get need to marry, but e fit control wetin e want, and e don decide-am for im own heart say e no go marry,* e go do well. 38 So too, anybody wey marry go do well, but anybody wey no marry go do well pass.
39 Wife must stay with im husband as long as say im husband dey alive. But if im husband die, e dey free to marry anybody wey e want, but make e only be person wey de follow the Lord. 40 But the thing wey I think na say, the woman go happy more if e continue to dey like that, and I really dey sure say the spirit of God dey with me too.