First Corinthians
5 Now, I hear say somebody among una de put hand for sex wey no clean,* and this kind sex* no even dey among people of the nations. Them tell me say one man de live with* the wife of im papa. 2 And una de carry body up about this one? Instead, una no suppose de feel sad so that una go remove the man wey do this kind thing from among una? 3 Even though say I no dey with una face-to-face, my mind* dey with una, and I don already judge the man wey do this thing like say I dey there with una. 4 When una gather together for the name of our Lord Jesus, and as una know say my mind* dey with una together with the power of our Lord Jesus, 5 una must give this kind man to Satan, so that the things wey the sin don cause go comot.* This one go make the spirit of the congregation dey safe for the day of the Lord.
6 E no good as una de boast. Una no know say na small yeast de make the whole flour wey them don mix rise? 7 Make una remove the old yeast so that una fit be new flour wey them mix, as long as say una no get yeast, because true-true, them don sacrifice Christ wey be our Passover lamb. 8 So make una de do the festival, no be with old yeast or with yeast of bad and wicked thing, but na with bread wey no get yeast, wey be bread of good thing and truth.
9 For the letter wey I write to una, I talk say make una stop to mix with* people wey de put hand for sex wey no clean.* 10 I no talk say make una stop to do everything with people wey de put hand for sex wey no clean* for this world, or people wey get long throat, or people wey de collect person thing by force, or people wey de worship idol. If na so, that one mean say una go comot for the world. 11 But now I de write to una make una stop to mix with* anybody wey them de call brother wey de put hand for sex wey no clean,* or wey get long throat, or wey de worship idol, or wey de curse-curse people,* or wey be drunkard, or wey de collect people things by force. Make una no even chop with this kind person. 12 Na my work to judge people wey dey outside? No be una go judge people wey dey inside, 13 and God go judge the people wey dey outside? “Make una remove the wicked person from among una.”