9 But as Saul still de do everything wey e fit do to make the disciples of the Lord fear and to kill them, e go meet the high priest 2 and tell the priest make e give-am letters to go the synagogues for Damascus, so that e fit arrest anybody wey e see wey de follow The Way, whether na man or woman, and bring them to Jerusalem.
3 Now as e de travel and don de near Damascus, at once, one light from heaven just shine around-am, 4 and e fall for ground and hear one voice tell-am say: “Saul, Saul, why you de suffer me?” 5 E ask say: “Who you be, Lord?” E talk say: “I be Jesus, the person wey you de suffer. 6 But get up, and go inside the city, and them go tell you wetin you need to do.” 7 Now the men wey de travel with Saul just stand there and no fit talk. The truth be say, them de hear the sound of one voice but them no de see anybody. 8 So Saul get up from ground, and even though say im eye open, e no fit see anything. So them hold im hand and carry-am enter Damascus. 9 And for three days, e no see anything, and e no chop or drink anything.
10 E get one disciple wey im name na An·a·ni′as for Damascus, and the Lord tell-am for vision say: “An·a·ni′as!” E talk say: “Na me be this, Lord.” 11 The Lord tell-am say: “Get up, go the street wey them de call Straight, and look for one man wey im name na Saul from Tarsus, for the house of Judas. E de pray now, 12 and for vision e don see one man wey im name na An·a·ni′as come meet-am and put im hand ontop-am so that e go fit see again.” 13 But An·a·ni′as tell-am say: “Lord, I don hear many people talk about this man, about all the bad things wey e don do to your holy ones for Jerusalem. 14 And e don come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest* everybody wey de call your name.” 15 But the Lord tell-am say: “Go! Because this man be like container wey I don choose to carry my name to people of the nations and to kings and to people of Israel. 16 And I go show-am clear all the things wey e must suffer for my name.”
17 So An·a·ni′as go and e enter the house. And e put im hand ontop-am and talk say: “Saul, my brother, the Lord Jesus wey appear to you for the road wey you pass come, don send me so that you go fit see again and your body go fit full with holy spirit.” 18 And at once, something wey be like scales fall from im eyes, and e start to see again. So e get up and them baptize-am, 19 and e chop food and get power again.
E stay with the disciples for Damascus for some days, 20 and e no waste time start to preach about Jesus for the synagogues, say Jesus na the Son of God. 21 But all the people wey de hear-am surprise and de talk say: “No be this man attack the people for Jerusalem wey de call this name? No be because e want arrest them and take them to* the chief priests make-am come here?” 22 But Saul continue to get power more-more and e really surprise the Jew people wey de stay for Damascus, as e prove-am clear say this one na the Christ.
23 Now when many days don pass, the Jew people plan together to kill-am. 24 But Saul come know the thing wey them de plan against-am. Night and day, them still de watch the gates well so that them go fit kill-am. 25 So for night, im disciples put-am inside basket and bring-am down through one hole for the wall.
26 When e reach Jerusalem, e try im best to join the disciples, but all of them de fear-am, because them no believe say e be disciple. 27 So Bar′na·bas come help-am and take-am go meet the apostles and e tell them everything about how Saul see the Lord for road, and say the Lord talk to-am, and how e no fear to talk with the name of Jesus for Damascus. 28 So e continue to dey with them. E dey free to waka everywhere for Jerusalem, and e no fear to talk with the name of the Lord. 29 E de talk and de really reason with the Jew people wey de speak Greek, but this people try to kill-am. 30 When the brothers know about this one, them take-am go down to Caes·a·re′a and send-am to Tarsus.
31 So true-true, the whole congregation for Ju·de′a and Gal′i·lee and Sa·mar′i·a get peace for some time, and them dey strong. And as them continue to show say them de fear Jehovah and de live their life with the comfort wey them receive through the holy spirit, them continue to plenty more-more.
32 Now as Peter de travel for all the area, e still come down to meet the holy ones wey de live for Lyd′da. 33 For there, them see one man wey im name na Ae·ne′as, wey don de lie down straight ontop im bed for eight years, because e no fit move im body. 34 Peter tell-am say: “Ae·ne′as, Jesus Christ don heal you. Get up and arrange your bed.” And e get up at once. 35 When all the people wey de live for Lyd′da and for the level land of Shar′on see-am, them turn de follow the Lord.
36 Now e get one disciple for Jop′pa wey im name na Tab′i·tha, wey mean, “Dor′cas”* when them translate-am. E de do plenty good things and de give plenty gifts to help poor people. 37 But that time, e sick and die. So them bath-am and put-am for one room for up. 38 Since Lyd′da near Jop′pa, when the disciples hear say Peter dey that city, them send two men go meet-am and tell-am say: “Abeg come meet us quick-quick.” 39 So Peter get up and follow them go. And when e reach there, them take-am go the room for up; and all the widows come meet Peter, them de cry and de show-am plenty cloths and long cloths* wey Dorcas don make when e dey with them. 40 So Peter tell everybody to go outside, and e kneel down and e pray. Then e turn and face the body, and talk say: “Tab′i·tha, get up!” Tab′i·tha open im eye and as e see Peter, e sitdown. 41 Peter give im hand to Tab′i·tha. E raise-am up and e call the holy ones and the widows and show Tab′i·tha to them wey don dey alive. 42 People for the whole of Jop′pa hear about this one, and plenty people believe the Lord. 43 Peter continue to stay for Jop′pa for some days, with one man wey im name na Simon, wey de use animal skin make leather.