Jehovah Fit Help You Do Anything!
“God . . . de give wuna power, so that wuna go want do something and go fit do something.”—PHIL. 2:13.
SONG 104 God De Give Us Holy Spirit
1. Wetin Jehovah fit do so that the thing wey e want go happen?
JEHOVAH fit be anything wey e need to be so that e go do the thing wey e want. For example, Jehovah don be Teacher, Preacher, and Father wey people de receive comfort from. This one na just some of the things wey Jehovah don be. (Isa. 48:17; 2 Cor. 7:6; Gal. 3:8) But many times, e de use people to do the thing wey e get for mind. (Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20; 2 Cor. 1:3, 4) Jehovah fit still give each of us sense and power wey we need so that we go fit do anything wey e want make we do. All this one na part of wetin the name of Jehovah mean, according to how some people don explain-am.
2. (a) Why e be say sometimes, we fit doubt whether Jehovah de use us to do e work? (b) Wetin we go talk about for this article?
2 All of us want make Jehovah use us to do the things wey e get for mind. But some people fit de think say Jehovah no de use them. Why they think like that? They feel say their condition no allow them, they don old, or they no too sabi things. Another thing be say, other people fit feel say the things wey them de do already dey enough, so they no need to do more. For this article, we go talk how Jehovah fit give any of us wetin we need, so that we go fit do the thing wey e want. Then, we go see good examples of men and women for Bible. We go see how Jehovah help them to want do more for e work and give them the power to do-am. We go still talk about how we fit allow Jehovah make e use us.
3. How Jehovah fit help us so that we go want do something, as e promise for Philippians 2:13?
3 Read Philippians 2:13.b Jehovah fit help us so that we go want do something. How Jehovah de do-am? For example, maybe you fit hear say somebody for congregation need help. Or elders fit read one letter from branch office to make us know say other congregations need help. When we hear things like this, e fit make us ask ourself say, ‘Wetin I fit do to help?’ Or e fit be say the assignment wey they want give us no easy and we de think say we no go fit do-am well. Or after we read some verse them for Bible, we fit de ask ourself, ‘How I fit use this Bible verse them to help other people?’ Jehovah no go force us to do anything. But when Jehovah see say we de think about wetin we fit do, e fit help us so that we go want do the things wey we don think about.
4. How Jehovah fit give us power to do something?
4 Jehovah fit still give us the power wey we need to do something. (Isa. 40:29) How e de do this one? We fit sabi something already but Jehovah fit use e holy spirit to help us make we fit do the thing well pass the way we de do-am before. (Ex. 35:30-35) Jehovah fit use e organization teach us how to do some things. If you no dey sure how you go handle any work wey they give you, beg for help. Another thing be say, you fit beg Jehovah any time make e give you the power wey you need. Jehovah na our Papa and e get open hand to help. (2 Cor. 4:7; Luke 11:13) Bible get plenty examples of men and women wey God help. E help them so that they go want do something, and e give them the power to do-am. As we go talk about some of this examples, try think about different ways wey Jehovah fit use you to do things, like this men and women.
5. Wetin we learn from the time and the way wey Jehovah use Moses free Israel people?
5 Jehovah help Moses to free Israel people from Egypt. But which time Jehovah use Moses do this one? No be when they don “teach Moses all the things wey people of Egypt know” and e feel say e don ready. (Acts 7:22-25) Jehovah use Moses only after e don help Moses to put e body down and dey gentle for heart. (Acts 7:30, 34-36) Jehovah give Moses strong heart make e fit talk to the powerful king of Egypt. (Ex. 9:13-19) Wetin we learn from the time and the way wey Jehovah use Moses? When person try to copy the character wey Jehovah get and trust say Jehovah go help, na that kind person Jehovah de use.—Phil. 4:13.
6. Wetin we learn from the way Jehovah use Barzillai to help King David?
6 Many years after, Jehovah use Barzillai to help King David. That time, David de run from e son Absalom. David and e people de “hungry and they don tire and need water to drink.” Barzillai and other people put their life for danger to go help David and e men. That time, Barzillai don old but e no think say because e don old, e no go fit do anything for Jehovah. Instead, with open-hand, e use wetin e get to help David and e men when they need help. (2 Sam. 17:27-29) Wetin this one de teach us? No matter our age, Jehovah fit use us to help our brothers and sisters when they no get the things wey they need. This brothers and sisters fit dey around us or dey other country. (Prov. 3:27, 28; 19:17) Even if you no fit help them by yourself, you fit contribute for worldwide work. They go use the money to help our brothers and sisters to get the things wey they need when they need help.—2 Cor. 8:14, 15; 9:11.
7. How Jehovah use Simeon, and how that one encourage us?
7 Simeon na one old man for Jerusalem and e serve Jehovah well. Jehovah come promise this old man say before e die, e go see the Messiah. This promise wey God make go don really help Simeon dey strong because e don de wait for the Messiah for many years. Jehovah bless Simeon because e get faith and e endure. One day, “holy spirit move” Simeon make e go temple. For there, e see baby Jesus. Jehovah use Simeon to talk something about the future of this pikin; na this pikin come be the Christ. (Luke 2:25-35) Na true say Simeon fit don die before Jesus begin e preaching work for this earth. But Jehovah still use this man. And this one really make Simeon glad! For future, e go get more blessing. For new world, this faithful man go see how all family for this earth go benefit when Jesus go de rule. (Gen. 22:18) No matter the thing wey Jehovah use us to do for e work, we too de glad say e use us.
8. How Jehovah fit use us as e use Barnabas?
8 For the time of the apostles, one man wey e name na Joseph really get open-hand. E ready to do anything for Jehovah. (Acts 4:36, 37) Maybe the apostles call this man Barnabas because e sabi comfort people. The name Barnabas mean “Son of Comfort.” For example, after Saul come be Christian, plenty Christians de fear to come near Saul. Why? Because they know say e don suffer Christians before. But, Barnabas come help and comfort Saul. This one go don make Saul really glad. (Acts 9:21, 26-28) After, elders for Jerusalem see say the brothers for one far city need help so that their faith go strong more-more. The elders come send somebody. Who they send? Na Barnabas! They chose the right person. Bible tell us say Barnabas “begin encourage all of them to continue to obey the Lord with all their heart.” (Acts 11:22-24) Like Barnabas, today Jehovah fit use us comfort our brothers and sisters. For example, Jehovah fit use us to comfort our brothers wey their person don die. Or somebody fit de sick or de suffer and Jehovah use us make we go visit or call that person and use better words encourage the person. You go allow make Jehovah use you as e use Barnabas?—1 Thess. 5:14.
9. Wetin we fit learn from the way Jehovah help brother Vasily to come be better elder?
9 Jehovah help one brother to be better elder for congregation. The name of the brother na Vasily. This brother dey 26 years when they say make e serve as elder. E fear say e no qualify to help the brothers and sisters, especially the ones wey their condition no easy because of problems. But, e receive correct help from elders with experience. E still receive correct training when e attend the Kingdom Ministry School. Vasily work hard so that e go do well pass as e de do before. For example, e make list of some small-small things wey e fit do. As e de do this things one by one, e no come de fear again. Now, e talk say: “The things wey I fear that time de really give me joy now. When Jehovah help me make I find the correct Bible verse wey I go use comfort brother or sister for congregation, I de over happy.” Brothers, if you allow make Jehovah use you like Vasily, e fit help you make you do more for congregation.
10. Wetin Abigail do, and wetin we learn from the thing wey e do?
10 When David and e men need help because them de run from King Saul, they ask one rich Israelite man to help them. E name na Nabal. They ask make e give them small food make they chop, anything wey e feel say e fit give them. They no fear to ask because, all the time wey them dey for bush, they don help the man de protect e sheep them. But Nabal no get open-hand, e no gree give them anything. David vex and want go kill Nabal and all the men for e house. (1 Sam. 25:3-13, 22) But, Abigail the beautiful wife of Nabal get deep sense. With strong heart, this woman kneel down for front of David and beg say make David no kill person so that e no go sin. E use sense advice David say make e allow Jehovah to handle the matter. Abigail dey humble and e use sense talk to David. This one really touch David for heart. So David come see say na Jehovah send Abigail. (1 Sam. 25:23-28, 32-34) Jehovah use Abigail because e don already work hard to get some better character. Na so e still be today. When our sisters work hard to get deep sense and know how to give advice, Jehovah fit use them to help their family and other people for congregation.—Prov. 24:3; Titus 2:3-5.
11. Wetin the daughters of Shallum do, and which people de do like them today?
11 Many years after, when them de repair the walls of Jerusalem, the daughters of Shallum dey among the people wey Jehovah use do the work. (Neh. 2:20; 3:12) Even though say their papa na prince, the daughters of Shallum ready to do the work. The work no easy and person fit injure. (Neh. 4:15-18) Some people for Tekoa no gree to do the work, they no gree “humble theirself to do the work” wey their masters give them! But the daughters of Shallum no dey like them at all. (Neh. 3:5) Na 52 days they use finish the work. Just imagine how that one go don make the daughters of Shallum happy! (Neh. 6:15) For our time, some sisters ready to help to build and maintain the different-different building wey we de use for Jehovah’s service. This one na special kind of work wey this sisters de do for Jehovah. For us to succeed for the work, we need them. Why? Because some things dey wey they really sabi do, they get deep love for Jehovah and them de do the work with joy.
12. How Jehovah fit use us the way e use Tabitha?
12 Jehovah help Tabitha for Bible make e de do plenty ‘good things and de help people,’ especially women wey their husband don die. (Acts 9:36) Because Tabitha really get open-hand and dey kind to people, plenty people cry when this woman die. But they over glad when apostle Peter bring Tabitha back to life. (Acts 9:39-41) Wetin we learn from Tabitha? Whether we be man or woman, young or old, all of us fit do something wey our brothers and sisters go benefit from.—Heb. 13:16.
13. How Jehovah use one sister wey e name na Ruth even though say the sister de shame, and wetin the sister come talk?
13 One sister dey wey e name na Ruth. E like to be missionary. The time wey e dey young, e de use all e heart and energy de give people tracts from house to house. E talk say: “I really enjoy the work.” But Ruth de shame. To preach from house to house and tell other people about the Kingdom of God no easy for Ruth at all. Even though say Ruth de shame to talk with people, when e reach 18 years, e begin serve as regular pioneer. For 1946, e attend Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and after, e serve as missionary for Hawaii and Japan. Jehovah use this sister to preach the good news to many people for those countries. After about 80 years wey Ruth don de preach, e talk say: “Jehovah don always make me strong. E don help me make I no de shame again. I really believe say Jehovah fit use any person if the person trust Jehovah.”
14. According to Colossians 1:29, wetin we must do if we want make Jehovah use us?
14 For many years now, Jehovah don use e servants for different-different ways. Wetin Jehovah go use you do? The answer dey for your hand. Na you go work hard and ready make Jehovah use you. (Read Colossians 1:29.) If you ready make Jehovah use you, e fit use you to preach the good news, to teach people, to comfort people well, to do special work, to support your brothers and sisters, or use you do any other thing so that wetin e want go happen.
15. According to 1 Timothy 4:12, 15, wetin young brothers need to beg Jehovah for?
15 What about wuna wey be young brothers? Young men get power to do plenty work. So congregations really need young men to work hard and serve as ministerial servants. For plenty congregations, elders plenty pass ministerial servants. Young brothers, wuna ready to work hard so that wuna go fit do more for congregation? Sometimes, some brothers de talk say, “I dey okay just to serve as publisher.” If na so you de feel, beg Jehovah to help you so that you go want serve as ministerial servant. Still beg Jehovah make e give you the power wey you need to do your best for e service. (Eccl. 12:1) The congregation need you!—Read 1 Timothy 4:12, 15.
16. Wetin we need to beg Jehovah for, and why?
16 Jehovah fit make you do anything wey e want. So beg Jehovah make e help you so that you go want do more for e work. Still beg make e give you the power wey you need to do e work. Whether you young or old, use wetin you sabi do, your time, power, and other things wey you get to serve Jehovah now. (Eccl. 9:10) When they give you chance to do something for Jehovah, no quick reject-am because you feel say you no go fit do the thing. True-true, na blessing we get to do our best to praise Jehovah! Na our Papa, e love us and e deserve the praise!
SONG 127 How I Want De Use My Life
a You like to do more for Jehovah but you de feel say you no fit? You de doubt whether Jehovah fit still use you to do wetin e want? Or you de feel say wetin you de do dey enough, so no need to do more make Jehovah use you to do anything wey e want? This article go talk about different-different ways wey Jehovah fit help you so that you go want do something, and give you the power wey you need to do wetin e get for mind.
b Even though say the letter wey Paul write na for the Christians for e time, the things wey e talk still concern all servants of Jehovah.