Listen to the Voice of the Better Shepherd
“They go listen to my voice.”—JOHN 10:16.
SONG 3 We Trust Jehovah, E De Give Us Power and Hope
1. Wetin be one reason wey fit don make Jesus compare e followers to sheep?
JESUS compare the relationship wey e get with e followers to the tight relationship wey shepherd get with e sheep. (John 10:14) This thing wey Jesus talk dey correct. Sheep de know their shepherd and them de listen to e voice. One man see as this kind thing happen, and e talk say: “Our group be want video some sheep and we try to make them come near us. But they no gree come because they no know our voice. Then one small shepherd boy call them, and at once, they just follow-am.”
2-3. (a) How followers of Jesus de show say them de listen to e voice? (b) Wetin we go talk about for this article and for the next one?
2 The thing wey happen to that man make us remember the thing wey Jesus talk about e sheep wey be e disciples. Jesus talk say: “They go listen to my voice.” (John 10:16) But Jesus dey for heaven. So how we fit talk say we de listen to Jesus? One important way wey we de show say we de listen to the voice of our Master, na when we de use the things wey e teach for our life.—Matt. 7:24, 25.
3 For this article and the next one, we go talk about some of the things wey Jesus teach. As we go learn, Jesus teach us make we stop to do some kind things and make we do some other things. We go first talk about two things wey our better shepherd tell us make we stop to do.
4. As e dey for Luke 12:29, wetin fit make person ‘de worry e self too much’?
4 Read Luke 12:29. Jesus tell e followers make they ‘stop to de worry theirself too much’ about how to get the things wey they need to survive. We know say sense de always dey anything wey Jesus talk and the thing de correct. We want follow the thing wey Jesus talk, but sometimes, e fit no dey easy for us to follow. Why?
5. Why some people fit de worry about the things wey they need to survive?
5 Some people fit de worry about how they go get food, cloths, and place to live. They fit de live for country wey plenty people dey poor and e dey hard to see work do. E fit hard them to get enough money to care for their family. Or the person wey de work to support the family fit don die, and so the family no get money to buy the things wey they need. The COVID-19 fit don make some people to lose their job. (Eccl. 9:11) If any of this things or other things don happen to us, how we fit follow the thing wey Jesus talk, say make we stop to over worry?
6. Explain wetin happen to apostle Peter one time.
6 One time dey wey apostle Peter and the other apostles dey inside boat for the Sea of Galilee. That time, strong breeze begin blow and they see Jesus de waka ontop the water. Peter talk say: “Lord, if na you, command me make I waka ontop the water come meet you.” After Jesus tell Peter make e “come,” e comot from inside the boat and “waka ontop the water go meet Jesus.” But you notice the next thing wey happen? Bible talk say: “But as e look the strong wind de blow, e begin fear. And when e start to sink, e shout say: ‘Lord, save me!’ ” Jesus stretch e hand and save Peter. We need to remember say Peter fit waka ontop the water because e continue to look Jesus. But when Peter look the strong wind, fear enter e body and e begin doubt, and so e start to sink.—Matt. 14:24-31.
7. Wetin we fit learn from the example of Peter?
7 We fit learn from the example of Peter. When Peter come out from the boat and start to waka ontop the water, e no expect say e go worry about the strong wind and start to sink. E want continue to waka ontop the water until e reach where e Master dey. But e no continue to put e mind for where e de go. Na true say today we no go fit waka ontop water, but we de face different-different things wey de test our faith. If we no put our mind for Jehovah and the things wey e don promise, our faith fit weak. And e go be like say our problems de make us sink. No matter how our problems serious reach, like strong wind wey de blow, we must continue to put our mind for Jehovah and the power wey e get to help us. How we fit do this one?
8. Wetin fit help us make we no over worry ourself about the things wey we need to survive?
8 Na we go gain if we trust Jehovah instead of us to over worry ourself about our problems. Remember say our Papa Jehovah wey love us promise say e go provide the things wey we need, if we put e service first for our life. (Matt. 6:32, 33) E never ever fail to do anything wey e promise. (Deut. 8:4, 15, 16; Ps. 37:25) If Jehovah de care for the birds and the flowers, then true-true, we no need to over worry ourself about wetin we go chop or wear! (Matt. 6:26-30; Phil. 4:6, 7) Na love de move papa and mama to provide the things wey their children need to survive. For the same way, na love de move our Papa for heaven to provide the things wey e people need to survive. True-true, we fit really dey sure say Jehovah go care for us!
9. Wetin you fit learn from the thing wey happen to one husband and wife?
9 See one example wey show how Jehovah fit provide the things wey we need. One husband and wife for full-time service drive more than one hour for their old motor to go carry some sisters go meeting. This sisters de live for place wey refugee dey. (Refugee na people wey run from their country because of things like war.) The brother talk say: “After the meeting, we invite the sisters make they come chop with us. But we come see say we no get anything to give them.” Wetin this husband and wife go do? The brother still talk say: “When we reach house, we see two big bag of food for front of our door. We no know who drop-am there. Jehovah care for us.” After some time, this husband and wife motor spoil. They need-am for their preaching work, but money no dey to fix-am. They carry the motor go mechanic to see how much they go use fix-am. Then one man enter the place and ask say: “Who get this motor?” The brother answer say na e own and e need to fix-am. The man talk say: “That one no mean anything. My wife want this type of motor and na the color wey e want be this. How much you want make I give you for the motor?” The brother sell the motor for the man, and the man pay money wey dey enough for the brother to buy another motor. The brother talk say: “We over glad that day no be small. We know say this one no just happen by mistake. Jehovah hand dey inside.”
10. How Psalm 37:5 encourage us make we no de worry about the things wey we need to survive?
10 When we de listen to the better shepherd, and we stop to over worry about the things wey we need to survive, we fit dey sure say Jehovah go provide for us. (Read Psalm 37:5; 1 Pet. 5:7) Think about the example wey we talk about for paragraph 5. E fit be say for now, Jehovah de use the family head to provide the things wey we need everyday, or Jehovah de use the salary work wey we get to provide wetin we need. But if the family head no fit de provide again or if we lose our job, Jehovah go care for us for some other way. This one na sure thing! Now, make we talk about another thing wey the better shepherd encourage us make we stop to do.
11. As e dey for Matthew 7:1, 2, wetin Jesus tell us make we stop to do, and why this one fit no dey easy?
11 Read Matthew 7:1, 2. Jesus know say people wey e de talk to no dey perfect, and plenty times, na the mistake wey person do them de put their mind. Because of that one, e talk say: “Stop to de judge.” We fit work hard make we no judge our brothers and sisters. But we no de always succeed for this one. If we notice say sometimes, na the mistakes wey other people do we de see, wetin we suppose do? Make we listen to Jesus and work hard so that we go stop to judge.
12-13. When we think deep about the way Jehovah see King David, how this one fit help us make we stop to judge people?
12 We go gain when we de think deep about the example wey Jehovah show. Jehovah de see the good character wey people get. Think about wetin Jehovah do when King David make serious mistakes. For example, e sleep with Bath-sheba wey be another man wife and e even kill the man. (2 Sam. 11:2-4, 14, 15, 24) Because of this one, David and e family suffer, even e other wife them. (2 Sam. 12:10, 11) Another time, David no show complete trust for Jehovah when e command make they count the number of men for Israel army, and Jehovah no command David make e do this one. Maybe David do this one because e dey proud about how e army big reach, and because e trust the protection wey e army go give. Wetin be the result? Seventy thousand Israel people die because of sickness!—2 Sam. 24:1-4, 10-15.
13 If to say you de live for Israel that time, how you for look David? You for judge David as person wey Jehovah no suppose forgive? Jehovah no do like that. God put e mind for how David don use all e life for e worship and God see say e don really repent. So Jehovah forgive David for this serious sins. David really love Jehovah and e want do the correct thing and Jehovah know this one. We really dey happy say our God de put e mind for the fine-fine character wey we get.—1 Ki. 9:4; 1 Chron. 29:10, 17.
14. Wetin don help Christians make they stop to judge people?
14 Because Jehovah no de expect say we no go make mistake, make we too no expect say other people no go make mistake, and make we de see the good character wey they get. E dey easy to see only the mistake of other people and judge them. But when person de do like Jehovah, the person de work well with other people even if e de see their mistake. Diamond wey they never shape and polish no de fine. But person wey get sense no go look that one because e know say, the diamond go over fine and the value go high after they don shape and polish-am well. Like Jehovah and Jesus, make we no de put our mind for the mistake wey people de do. Instead, make we de see their fine-fine character.
15. When we de think about people their condition, why this one fit help us make we no de judge them for harsh way?
15 Apart from say we go de put our mind for the fine-fine character wey people get, wetin fit help us make we no de judge them for harsh way? Try to think how their condition be. Make we see this example. One day for temple, Jesus see one poor widow wey drop two coins wey get small value for inside contribution box. E no ask say: “Why this woman no contribute pass wetin e contribute?” Instead of Jesus to put e mind for the amount of money wey the woman contribute, e think about why the woman do like that and e condition. And e praise the woman because e do everything wey e fit do.—Luke 21:1-4.
16. Wetin you fit learn from the example of Sister Veronica?
16 One example show us why e dey important to think about people their condition. The example na about one sister wey e name na Veronica. One woman and e son dey the congregation wey this sister de serve. Na only this woman de care for e son, e husband no dey. Veronica talk say: “For me, e just be like say they no de do well for the preaching work and they no de too come meeting. Because of this one, I see them as people wey no serious. But me and the woman go preaching together. E explain say things really hard for them because e pikin get problem with e brain. The woman de do e best to provide the things wey they need to survive and still hold Jehovah tight. Because of the condition of e pikin, sometimes, the woman de join another congregation for meeting.” Veronica still talk say: “I no know before say na this kind hard condition the woman dey. Now I really get love and respect for this sister because of everything wey e de do to serve Jehovah.”
17. Wetin James 2:8 tell us make we do, and how we fit do this one?
17 Wetin we suppose do if we see say we don judge our brother or sister? We must remember say we need to love our brothers. (Read James 2:8.) Apart from that one, we need to really pray and beg Jehovah make e help us to stop to judge. We fit do wetin we de pray about when we go spend time with the person wey we judge. This one fit help us know the person. We fit tell the person make e go preaching with us, or make e come chop with us. As we de try to know our brother or sister more, make we de look for the fine-fine character wey e get. This one go show say we de try to follow the example wey Jehovah and Jesus show us. When we de do like that, we de show say we de listen to the command wey the better shepherd give, say make we stop to judge.
18. How we fit show say we de listen to the voice of the better shepherd?
18 Just as sheep de listen to the voice of their shepherd, followers of Jesus de listen to e voice. If we work hard make we stop to worry about the things wey we need and stop to judge people, Jehovah and Jesus go bless our hard work. Whether we dey part of the “little flock” or the “other sheep,” make we continue to obey the voice of the better shepherd. (Luke 12:32; John 10:11, 14, 16) For the next article, we go talk about two things wey Jesus tell e followers make they do.
SONG 101 We De Serve God Together As One
a When Jesus talk say e sheep go listen to e voice, Jesus mean say e disciples go listen to the things wey e de teach and use this things for their life. For this article, we go talk about two important things wey Jesus teach, wey be to stop to over worry about things wey we need to survive and to stop to judge people. We go talk about how we fit do this things wey Jesus talk say make we do.
b OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: One brother lose e job, e no get enough money to care for e family, and e need to find another place wey they go live. This problems fit make this brother over worry if e no dey careful, sotey e fit no de put Jehovah first for e life.
c OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: One brother come meeting late. But e show say e get fine-fine character, as e de preach to person even when e no dey for preaching, as e de help one old person, and as e de work to make the Kingdom Hall fine.