Why E Good Make We Give Our Life to Jehovah and Baptize?
You give your life to Jehovah when you promise for prayer say you go worship only Jehovah and put wetin e want as number one thing for your life. (Psalm 40:8) After you do this one, then you fit baptize. As you baptize, you show other people say you don give your life to Jehovah. When we decide to give our life to Jehovah, na this decision dey important pass any other decision wey we fit make. Wetin fit move you to make this important decision wey go change your life?
1. Wetin de move person to give e life to God?
Na love de move us to give our life to Jehovah. (1 John 4:10, 19) Bible talk say: “Love Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your life and with all your mind and with all your power.” (Mark 12:30) We show say we love God no be only with wetin we de talk, but we go still show-am with wetin we de do. Just as love de move man and woman to marry, na so love de move us to give our life to Jehovah and baptize.
2. Which blessings Jehovah de give e servants wey don baptize?
When you baptize, you go be part of the happy family of Jehovah. You go enjoy e love for plenty ways, and you go even dey close to Jehovah pass as you dey now. (Read Malachi 3:16-18.) Jehovah go be your Papa, and you go still get brothers and sisters wey love Jehovah and love you for the whole world. (Read Mark 10:29, 30.) But you go need to do some things before you fit baptize. You go need to learn about Jehovah, love Jehovah, and get faith for e Son. Finally, you go give your life to Jehovah. If you do this things and baptize, you fit enjoy life now and forever. Bible talk say: “Baptism . . . de save wuna now.”—1 Peter 3:21.
Learn why e dey important make you give your life to Jehovah and baptize.
3. All of us must choose who we go serve
For Israel before, some people be think say they fit worship Jehovah and still worship the lie-lie god, Baal. But Jehovah send prophet Elijah to correct this wrong thing wey they be de think. Read 1 Kings 18:21, and talk about this question:
Wetin Israel people must choose?
Like Israel people, we too must choose who we go serve. Read Luke 16:13, and talk about this questions:
Why we no fit worship Jehovah and another person or another thing?
How we fit show say na only Jehovah we go worship?
4. Think about the kind love wey Jehovah get for you
Jehovah don give us plenty better things. Wetin we fit give Jehovah? Play the VIDEO.
Wetin be some ways wey Jehovah don show you love? Read Psalm 104:14, 15 and 1 John 4:9, 10, and talk about this questions:
Which things Jehovah don do for you wey you really want thank Jehovah for?
How this things de make you feel about Jehovah?
When person give us gift wey we really like, we de always want tell the person, ‘thank you.’ Read Deuteronomy 16:17, and talk about this question:
When you think about everything wey Jehovah don do for you, wetin this one de move you to give Jehovah?
5. You go get plenty blessings when you give your life to Jehovah
Plenty people believe say big name, better work, or money go make them happy. But that one na true? Play the VIDEO, and talk about the questions for under.
Na true say the person for the video like to play football, but why e stop to play?
E decide to give e life to Jehovah, no be to football. You think say na better decision e make? Why you talk like that?
Before apostle Paul become Christian, e don study the law of Jew people from one man wey people really know. And this one for make Paul get better work. But e leave all this things so that e go be Christian. Paul regret the things wey e leave to be Christian? Read Philippians 3:8, and talk about this questions:
Why Paul talk say all the things wey e do before e become Christian na plenty “waste,” or dirty?
Instead, wetin Paul gain?
Which one go make your life better, na to serve Jehovah or to do other things with your life?
SOME PEOPLE DE TALK SAY: “E no make sense to use your life serve God.”
Why you think say e make sense to give your life to Jehovah?
Na love de move us to give our life to Jehovah and baptize.
Wetin You Don Learn
Why e good make we give Jehovah all our worship?
How Jehovah de bless e servants wey don baptize?
You go like give your life to Jehovah?
See why one woman wey de sing and one man wey de do sport decide to give their life to Jehovah.
Young People De Ask—Wetin I Go Do With My Life?—How My Life Be Before (6:54)
Learn about other things wey fit make you give your life to Jehovah.
“Why E Good Make We Give Our Life to Jehovah?” (The Watchtower, January 15, 2010)
For this music video, see how people dey happy as they give their life to Jehovah.
For the story “For Years I Be De Wonder, ‘Why We Dey This Earth?’ ” see wetin move one woman to think about wetin dey important pass for e life.
“Bible De Help People Change Their Life” (The Watchtower, November 1, 2012)