Why Bad Things De Happen and Why People De Suffer?
When bad thing happen e dey normal to ask say: “Why this thing happen?” We dey happy to know say Bible give correct answer to that question!
1. Wetin Satan do wey make bad things start to happen?
Satan the Devil stop to obey God. Satan want rule other people, so e make Adam and Eve stop to obey God. E do this one when e tell Eve lie. (Genesis 3:1-5) E make Eve think say Jehovah de hide one good thing from Eve. This thing wey Satan talk mean say people go dey happy if they no obey God. Satan talk the first lie when e tell Eve say Eve no go die. So, Bible talk say Satan “na liar and na e be the papa of lie.”—John 8:44.
2. Wetin Adam and Eve choose to do?
Jehovah really dey good to Adam and Eve. E talk say they fit chop from all the trees for the garden but na only one they no fit chop from. (Genesis 2:15-17) But they decide say they go chop from that tree. Eve “come de take the fruit de chop-am.” Later Adam “come de chop-am.” (Genesis 3:6) The two of them no obey God. Because Adam and Eve no get sin for body, e dey easy for them to do the correct thing. But because they decide say they no go obey God, they sin and they no gree make God de tell them wetin they go do and wetin they no go do. Wetin they choose make them really suffer.—Genesis 3:16-19.
3. How the decision wey Adam and Eve make don affect us?
When Adam and Eve no obey, this one make sin enter their body, and they transfer the sin to their pikin them. Bible talk about Adam say: “Na from one man sin enter this world, and sin cause death, na e make everybody de die.”—Romans 5:12.
We de suffer because of plenty reasons. Sometimes we de suffer because of the bad decisions wey we make. Sometimes we de suffer because of the bad decisions wey other people make. And sometimes we de suffer because we dey for the wrong place for the wrong time.—Read Ecclesiastes 9:11.
Learn why we fit talk say no be God cause the bad things for the world today or de make people suffer and how God de feel when we de suffer.
4. Na who de make us suffer?
Plenty people believe say na God de rule the world. Na true? Play the VIDEO.
Read James 1:13 and 1 John 5:19, and talk about this question:
Na God de make us suffer and cause bad things to happen?
5. Wetin don happen since Satan don de rule?
Read Genesis 3:1-6, and talk about this questions:
Which lie Satan talk?—Check verse 4 and 5.
Which way Satan make people feel say God de hide something good from them?
From wetin Satan talk, people need make Jehovah rule them if they want dey happy?
Read Ecclesiastes 8:9, and talk about this question:
As no be Jehovah de rule us now, wetin don happen?
When God make Adam and Eve, they no get sin for body and e put them for Paradise. But they listen to Satan and stop to obey Jehovah
After Adam and Eve stop to obey God, sin, suffer, and death enter the world
Jehovah go end sin, suffer, and death. And as e dey before, people no go get sin for body again and they go live for Paradise
6. Jehovah de feel for us when we de suffer
God de feel for us when we de suffer? See wetin King David and apostle Peter write. Read Psalm 31:7 and 1 Peter 5:7, and talk about this question:
How e de make you feel to know say Jehovah de see-am and feel for you when you de suffer?
7. God go end all our suffer
Read Isaiah 65:17 and Revelation 21:3, 4, and talk about this question:
Why e fit comfort us to know say Jehovah go remove all the problems and bad things wey people don face?
You Know?
When Satan talk the first lie, e spoil the name of Jehovah. E make people to think bad about Jehovah as e talk say Jehovah no de rule well. When Jehovah end our suffer for future, e go make e name clean. E mean say Jehovah go prove-am say na e be the best Ruler. To make the name of Jehovah clean dey important pass any other thing for heaven and for earth.—Matthew 6:9, 10.
SOME PEOPLE DE TALK SAY: “Suffer na part of wetin God want for us.”
Wetin you go talk?
Na Satan and Adam and Eve be the main cause of the suffer for this world. Jehovah de really feel for us when we de suffer and small time, e go end the suffer.
Wetin You Don Learn
Which lie Satan tell Eve?
As Adam and Eve no obey God, how this one don affect us?
How we know say Jehovah de really feel for us when we de suffer?
Learn wetin Bible talk about sin.
Learn more about the matter wey Satan start for garden of Eden.
“Why God Leave-am Make Bad Things De Happen?” (The Watchtower, January 1, 2014)
Learn the better answer wey Bible give about one hard question.
“Why They Kill Plenty People for Europe? And Why God No Stop-Am?” (E dey for jw.org)
See wetin one man learn about the suffer wey e see for e area.