Which Kind Person Jesus Be?
When we learn about the things wey Jesus talk and do for this earth, we go see the fine-fine qualities wey e get. This one go help us be friends of Jesus and of e Papa, Jehovah. Wetin be some of this fine-fine qualities? And how we fit follow the example of Jesus for our own life?
1. How Jesus be like e Papa?
For heaven, Jesus don see as e Papa de show love and learn from e Papa for plenty-plenty years. Because of this one, Jesus de think, feel and do things just like e Papa. (Read John 5:19.) The truth na say, Jesus show the kind qualities wey e Papa get sotey e talk say: “If any person don see me, e don see the Father too.” (John 14:9) As you de learn about Jesus, e go help you know Jehovah more. For example, the way Jesus de care about people de show how Jehovah de care about you.
2. How Jesus don show say e love Jehovah?
Jesus talk say: “For the world to know say I love the Father, I de do just as the Father don command me to do.” (John 14:31) When Jesus dey this earth, e show say e really love e Papa as e obey e Papa even when e no easy to do-am. And too, because e really love e Papa, e de always want talk about e Papa and help other people be friends with e Papa.—John 14:23.
3. How Jesus don show say e love people?
Bible talk say wetin de make Jesus “happy pass na the people.” (Proverbs 8:31, footnote) Jesus show say e love people with the way e encourage people and do everything wey e fit to help them. The miracles wey Jesus do no de only show say e get power but e still de show say e de care for people. (Mark 1:40-42) E de treat people for kind way and e no de do partial. The things wey Jesus talk comfort and give hope to people wey want really learn about Jehovah. Jesus dey ready to suffer and die because of the love wey e get for people. But e get special love for people wey de follow wetin e de teach.—Read John 15:13, 14.
Learn more about the kind person wey Jesus be. And learn how you fit show love and get open-hand like Jesus.
4. Jesus love e Papa
The example wey Jesus show de teach us how to show love for God. Read Luke 6:12 and John 15:10; 17:26. After you read each of this Bible verses, talk about this question:
How we fit show say we love Jehovah, just as Jesus love Jehovah?
5. Jesus de care about people when they need help
Jesus de care for other people pass e self. Even when e don tire, e use e time and power to help people. Read Mark 6:30-44, and talk about this questions:
For this Bible verses, wetin be some ways wey Jesus show say e de really care about other people?—Check verse 31, 34, 41, and 42.
Wetin really move Jesus to help other people?—Check verse 34.
As Jesus de show the kind qualities wey Jehovah get, wetin this one de teach you about Jehovah?
Wetin be some ways wey we fit follow the example wey Jesus show as e de care for other people?
6. Jesus get open-hand
Even though say Jesus no get plenty things, e still de give wetin e get to other people. E tell us say make we de give. Read Acts 20:35, and talk about this question:
How we fit dey happy as Jesus talk?
Play the VIDEO, and talk about the question for under.
Wetin be some ways wey we fit de give, even if we no get plenty things?
You know?
Bible de teach say make we de pray to Jehovah in the name of Jesus. (Read John 16:23, 24.) When we pray like this, e go show say we like wetin Jesus don do to help us be friends of Jehovah.
SOME PEOPLE DE TALK SAY: “God no care as we de suffer.”
Since Jesus de show the kind qualities wey e Papa get, how this one de show say Jehovah de care about us?
Jesus love Jehovah, and e still love people. Since Jesus be like e Papa, as you de learn more about Jesus, e go make you know Jehovah more.
Wetin You Don Learn
How we fit show love for Jehovah like Jesus?
How we fit show love for people like Jesus?
Which quality of Jesus you like pass?
Learn about some of the qualities of Jesus wey we fit copy.
Learn why e dey important to pray in the name of Jesus.
“Why E Good Make We De Pray in the Name of Jesus?” (The Watchtower, February 1, 2008)
Bible talk anything about how Jesus face and body be?
Wetin we fit learn from how Jesus treat women?
“God Want Make We Treat Women With Respect” (The Watchtower, September 1, 2012)