You Don Ready to Baptize?Enjoy Life Now and Forever!—Study and Learn From Bible
3. Why you no need to allow fear stop you?
Some people de fear say they no go fit do wetin they don promise Jehovah. The truth na say, sometimes, you go make mistakes, even faithful servants of God for past wey Bible talk about make mistakes. Jehovah no de expect make e servants dey perfect. (Read Psalm 103:13, 14.) When you do your best, Jehovah go dey happy. E go help you. Jehovah promise us say “nothing go fit separate us from the love wey [e] get for us.”—Read Romans 8:38, 39.
You Fit Endure When People De Suffer YouEnjoy Life Now and Forever!—Study and Learn From Bible
Whether now or later, people go dey against all Christians and even suffer them. We go allow make that one de worry us?
1. Why e no surprise us say they go suffer us?
Bible talk-am clear say: “They go still suffer anybody wey want live e life as God want and follow Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3:12) They suffer Jesus because e no be part of this world wey Satan de control. We too no be part of this world, so e no de surprise us when government and people for lie-lie religion de suffer us.—John 15:18, 19.
2. How we fit prepare to face suffer from people?
We need to make our trust for Jehovah strong now. Arrange time to pray to Jehovah everyday and to read the Bible. De go congregation meetings all the time. All this things go give you the power to face suffer with strong heart even if na from your family people. Apostle Paul wey them suffer plenty times write say: “Na Jehovah de help me, I no go fear.”—Hebrews 13:6.
We fit still make our heart strong when we de preach all the time. Preaching de help us stop to fear people and trust Jehovah. (Proverbs 29:25) If you get the heart to preach now, e go dey easy for you to preach even if government ban our work for your area.—1 Thessalonians 2:2.
3. How we de gain when we endure as people de suffer us?
Na true say e no de make us happy when them de suffer us, but when we endure, this one de make our faith strong. Any time wey we feel say the suffer don pass our power, and we see how Jehovah don help us, this one de make us near Jehovah more-more. (Read James 1:2-4.) Jehovah no dey happy to see us suffer, but when we endure, this one de make Jehovah happy. Bible talk say: “If you endure suffer because you de do good, this one dey fine for God.” (1 Peter 2:20) If we continue to endure, Jehovah go give us everlasting life for the new world. That time, everybody go serve Jehovah and nobody go dey against them.—Matthew 24:13.
Learn why you fit dey sure say you fit hold Jehovah tight even when them de suffer you and how Jehovah go bless you.
4. You fit endure when your family people dey against you
Jesus talk-am clear say some of our family people fit no want make we serve Jehovah. Read Matthew 10:34-36, and talk about this question:
Wetin fit happen when one person for family decide say e want serve Jehovah?
To see one example of this one, play the VIDEO, and talk about the question for under.
Wetin you go do if your friend or person for your family no want make you serve Jehovah?
Read Psalm 27:10 and Mark 10:29, 30. After you read each scripture, talk about this question:
How this promise fit help you if your family people or your friends dey against you?
5. Continue to worship Jehovah even when people dey against you
You need to get strong heart to continue to serve Jehovah when other people no want make you worship Jehovah. Play the VIDEO, and talk about the question for under.
How the examples for this video really make your heart strong?
Read Acts 5:27-29 and Hebrews 10:24, 25. After you read each scripture, talk about this question:
Why e really dey important make we continue to worship Jehovah even if they ban our preaching work or they say make we no gather to worship our God?
6. Jehovah go give you the power to endure
Jehovah Witness from different-different country and with different skin color don continue to worship Jehovah even when people de suffer them. To see wetin help them, play the VIDEO. After, talk about the question for under.
For the video, wetin help this brothers and sisters to endure?
Read Romans 8:35, 37-39 and Philippians 4:13. After you read each scripture, talk about this question:
How this verses make-am clear say you fit endure-am when people de suffer you?
Read Matthew 5:10-12, and talk about this question:
Why you fit still dey happy even as them de suffer you?
SOME PEOPLE DE TALK SAY: “I no fit endure when people de suffer me because I de serve God.”
Which Bible verses fit give them the power to continue to endure?
When we continue to worship Jehovah even as people dey against us, this one de make Jehovah happy. Jehovah go give us the power to endure!
Wetin You Don Learn
As Christians, why e no surprise us say people go suffer us?
Wetin you fit do now to dey ready to face suffer when e come?
Wetin make you dey sure say you fit endure any suffer as you de worship Jehovah?
Watch how one young brother explain how Jehovah help-am to endure when e dey for prison because e no gree do wetin government want wey Bible no support.
See wetin help one husband and wife to continue to dey faithful as them de serve Jehovah even as them de face suffer.
They Continue to Serve Jehovah Even When Things Change (7:11)
Learn how you fit face suffer with strong heart.
“Prepare Now for Suffer From People” (The Watchtower, July 2019)
When our family de suffer us because of our faith, how we suppose see-am, and wetin we suppose do to make peace and still dey faithful to Jehovah?
“The Truth De Bring ‘Sword . . . No Be Peace’ ” (The Watchtower, October 2017)