“People Wey Hold Jehovah Tight Go Dey Happy”
“People wey hold Jehovah tight go dey happy . . . , even people wey de obey the law of Jehovah.”—PS. 119:1, ftn.
SONG 124 No Leave Jehovah
1-2. (a) Wetin some government don do to Jehovah people, but wetin our brothers and sisters decide to do? (b) Wetin fit make us happy as them de suffer us? (Still talk about the picture for front cover.)
FOR now, government don ban part of our work or even all our work for lands wey pass 30. For some of this land, they don put our brothers and sisters for prison. Wetin they do? They no do anything wey bad for God eye. They only de read and study Bible, de tell people their belief and de attend meeting with their brothers and sisters. And they no de support any side for politics matter. Even as government de suffer them, our dear brothers and sisters don continue to hold Jehovah tight. And this one de make them happy.
2 E fit be say, you don see the picture of this our dear brothers and sisters wey get strong heart to hold Jehovah tight and see how them de smile. They get this joy because they know say Jehovah dey happy with them as them de hold-am tight. (1 Chron. 29:17a) Jesus talk say: ‘When they don suffer people because this people de do the right thing . . . They go dey happy and over-glad, because [they go] get plenty blessing.’ —Matt. 5:10-12.
3. As Acts 4:19, 20 talk, wetin the apostles do when them de suffer them, and why they do like that?
3 Our brothers and sisters de suffer the same thing wey the apostles suffer for their time when them de preach about Jesus. Plenty time, people wey de judge for the court of the Jew don give them strong command say, “Make they stop to talk about the name of Jesus.” (Acts 4:18; 5:27, 28, 40) But wetin the apostles do? (Read Acts 4:19, 20.) They know say na Person wey get power pass ‘command them say make they preach and make they really make people know’ about Christ. (Acts 10:42) So Peter and John wey de speak for the other apostles no fear to talk say na God they go obey no be the judge them and they still talk say they no go stop to talk about Jesus. E just be like say, them de ask the judge them this question, ‘Wuna de think say the authority wey wuna get pass the one wey God get?’
4. As e dey for Acts 5:27-29, which example the apostles don set for all true Christians, and how we go fit copy them?
4 The apostles don set better example wey all true Christians don de follow since that time, when they talk say: “Na God we must obey as ruler, no be people.” (Read Acts 5:27-29.) After they don beat them because them de do wetin God want, the apostles comot from the court of the Jew, “and them dey glad because God give them the chance to suffer for the name of Jesus,” and they continue to de preach!—Acts 5:40-42.
5. Which questions we need to answer?
5 We fit ask ourself some questions from the example wey the apostles set. Question like, how e dey possible for the apostles to obey God and still obey wetin Bible talk when e say, “Make everybody de obey people wey get authority to rule”? (Rom. 13:1) For this our time, how we fit “dey under government and authority,” as apostle Paul talk, and still obey God as our number one Ruler?—Titus 3:1.
6. (a) As e dey for Romans 13:1, who be “the people wey get authority to rule” and how we suppose treat them? (b) Wetin dey true about people wey de rule today?
6 Read Romans 13:1. For this verse, “people wey get authority to rule” na government for this world wey get power to control other people. Christians must obey this government. Why we talk like that? Because, them de do things wey go make peace dey, them de make sure say people de obey the law wey them de give, and sometimes them de even protect servants of Jehovah. (Rev. 12:16) So, make we give them all the tax, fear, and honor wey they suppose get. (Rom. 13:7) This government get authority because Jehovah allow them make they get-am. Jesus make this point clear when Pontius Pilate, wey be governor for Rome, de question-am. When Pilate de talk about the kind power wey e get to free Jesus or to kill-am, Jesus tell-am say: “You for no get any power over me if to say God no give you.” (John 19:11) As e be for Pilate that time, na so e still be for people for politics and government today. They no get all the power.
7. When we no suppose obey people wey de rule and wetin this rulers must know?
7 Christians de obey the laws wey government de give when this laws no dey against the laws wey God give. But we no go obey people when they want make we do wetin God no like or when they say make we no do wetin God want make we do. For example, they fit talk say make young people join army and fight for their country.b They fit ban our Bible or our book them or stop us to de preach and worship together. When government de use their power anyhow, like to de suffer the disciples of Christ, God de see wetin them de do, and e go judge them!—Eccl. 5:8.
8. How the authority wey Jehovah get different from the one wey people wey de rule get?
8 When Bible talk say people wey de rule for this world get “high authority,” e mean say them dey for high position. But another authority still dey wey high pass their own. Na this authority great pass, and na only God get-am. In fact, na four times Bible call Jehovah the “Person Wey Great Pass.”—Dan. 7:18, 22, 25, 27.
9. Wetin prophet Daniel see for vision?
9 Prophet Daniel see some visions wey show say the authority wey Jehovah get high pass every other authority. Daniel first see four giant animals wey represent the different-different government wey don rule the world for past like Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and the one wey de rule now wey be Anglo-America. (Dan. 7:1-3, 17) After, Daniel see Jehovah as e sit-down for e throne for heaven. (Dan. 7:9, 10) Wetin prophet Daniel see after this one suppose be warning for people wey de rule today.
10. As e dey for Daniel 7:13, 14, 27, who Jehovah give the power to rule the earth, and wetin this one show about Jehovah?
10 Read Daniel 7:13, 14, 27. God comot all the power and authority from government wey de rule for this world and give-am to people wey suppose get-am. Who God give? Jesus Christ wey Bible call “person wey be like son of man,” and “the holy ones of the Person Wey Great Pass,” wey be the 144,000 wey go rule with Christ “forever and ever.” (Dan. 7:18) E clear say na Jehovah be the “Person Wey Great Pass,” because na only Jehovah get the right and the power to do this kind thing.
11. Which other things prophet Daniel write wey show say the authority wey Jehovah get pass the one wey government for this world get?
11 The thing wey Daniel talk for the vision agree with wetin e don talk before. Daniel don talk say: “The God of heaven, de remove kings and choose kings.” And e still write say “the Most High na the Ruler for all the kingdom for the world and say e de give-am to anybody wey e want.” (Dan. 2:19-21; 4:17) But e get anytime for Bible wey Jehovah don remove or choose rulers? The answer na yes!
12. Give example wey show how Jehovah remove kings for their throne for past. (Check picture.)
12 Jehovah don really show say the authority wey e get high pass the one wey “people wey de rule” today get. Make we see three examples. Pharaoh for Egypt turn Israel people to slave and continue to do strong-head say e no go free them. But God free Israel people and kill Pharaoh for Red Sea. (Ex. 14:26-28; Ps. 136:15) King Belshazzar for Babylon arrange one big chop-chop with e people and for there, e “raise [e self] go up sotey e come dey against the Person wey high pass for heaven” and e “praise the god of silver and gold” instead make e praise Jehovah. (Dan. 5:22, 23) But God bring this proud man down. For “that same night,” they kill Belshazzar and give e kingdom to the Medes and the Persians. (Dan. 5:28, 30, 31) King Herod Agrippa I, for Palestine of Bible time, kill apostle James and put apostle Peter for prison with the mind say e go kill Peter soon. But Jehovah spoil Herod plan. “The angel of Jehovah make Herod sick,” and e die.—Acts 12:1-5, 21-23.
13. Give example wey show how Jehovah win different rulers wey join hand together to fight e people?
13 Jehovah don still show say e get power pass the different-different group of rulers wey join hand together. For example, Jehovah fight for Israel people and help them destroy 31 kings for Canaan wey join hand together to fight Israel people and Israel people take-over plenty part of the Promise Land. (Josh. 11:4-6, 20; 12:1, 7, 24) Jehovah still help Israel people win King Ben-hadad and 32 other kings for Syria wey join hand fight Israel people.—1 Ki. 20:1, 26-29.
14-15. (a) Wetin King Nebuchadnezzar and Darius talk, about the right wey Jehovah get to rule? (b) Wetin Psalm 33:10,12 talk about Jehovah and the people wey e don choose?
14 Again and again, Jehovah don show say na e be the Person Wey Great Pass! When King Nebuchadnezzar for Babylon de make mouth about e ‘own power and de praise e self’ instead make e praise Jehovah, God make-am craze. After God heal-am, Nebuchadnezzar “praise the Person Wey High Pass” and e gree say “[Jehovah] go rule forever.” E still talk say, nobody fit stop-am. (Dan. 4:30, 33-35) After they put Daniel inside the pit of lion because e really hold God tight, God save-am. After that time, King Darius command say: “Make people de fear and respect the God of Daniel. Na God wey dey alive and dey forever. Nobody go fit ever destroy e kingdom and e go rule forever.”—Dan. 6:7-10, 19-22, 26, 27, ftn.
15 Bible talk say: “Jehovah don scatter wetin the nations de plan; e don spoil the things wey the people de think.” E still talk say: “The people wey their God na Jehovah go dey happy, the people wey God don choose as e property.” (Ps. 33:10, 12) This one na better reason to continue to hold Jehovah tight.
16. Wetin we dey sure say go happen for “great tribulation,” and why? (Check picture.)
16 We don learn about wetin Jehovah don do for past. So, wetin go happen for future? We fit dey sure say, Jehovah go save people wey de serve-am with all their heart for the “great tribulation” wey de come. (Matt. 24:21; Dan. 12:1) E go do this one, when different-different nations wey come together, wey Bible call Gog of Magog, go vex attack servants of Jehovah for the whole world. Even if na the 193 members of the United Nations, join hand together to attack servants of God, they no go fit fight the Person Wey Great Pass and e army wey dey for heaven. Jehovah promise say: “I go surely make myself great and make myself holy and I go make many nation know me, and they must know say I be Jehovah.”—Ezek. 38:14-16, 23; Ps. 46:10.
17. For future, wetin Bible talk say go happen to the kings of the earth and for people wey hold Jehovah tight?
17 When Gog go attack servants of God, na that attack go start the war of Armageddon and Jehovah go use that war to destroy “the kings for the whole earth.” (Rev. 16:14, 16; 19:19-21) But na “only the people wey get clean heart go live for the earth, and na the people wey hold God tight go stay for inside.”—Prov. 2:21, ftn.
18. Wetin many true Christians don do and why? (Daniel 3:28)
18 For plenty years, many true Christians don risk their life because of the love wey they get for Jehovah as the Person Wey Get Right to Rule them. This true Christians don make-up their mind to hold Jehovah tight. They be like the three Hebrew wey no leave the Person Wey Great Pass and e save them from the big fire—Read Daniel 3:28.
19. How Jehovah go judge e people, and wetin this one suppose make us do now?
19 David for Bible write the reason why e de important make we continue to hold God tight. E say: “Jehovah go talk how e don judge the nations. When you want judge me, abeg Jehovah, remember how I de do wetin correct for your eye and how I hold you tight.” (Ps. 7:8) David still write say: “Protect me because I hold you tight and I de do wetin dey right.” (Ps. 25:21) The best way to live our life na to continue to dey faithful to Jehovah. Make we no ever leave Jehovah no matter wetin happen. If we live our life like this, we go be like the person wey write for Bible say: “People wey hold Jehovah tight go dey happy . . . , even people wey de obey the law of Jehovah.”—Ps. 119:1, ftn.
SONG 122 Dey Strong, No Fear
a Bible tell Christians say make they obey the people wey get authority to rule. Na the government for this world be this people. But some government dey against Jehovah and the people wey de worship Jehovah. How we fit obey government for this world and still hold Jehovah tight?
b Check the article “Israel People for Past Fight War—But Why Christians Today No De Fight War?” for this Watchtower.