How We Fit Continue to Dey Happy When We De Endure Problem
“My brothers, make wuna dey happy when wuna de face any kind of problem.”—JAS. 1:2.
SONG 111 Reasons Why We Dey Happy
1-2. With wetin Matthew 5:11 talk, how we suppose de see problems?
JESUS promise e disciples say they go get real happiness. E still warn people wey love-am say, they go face problem. (Matt. 10:22, 23; Luke 6:20-23) We dey happy say we be disciples of Christ. But how we go feel if our family people try to stop us make we no serve Jehovah, if government people de suffer us, or our workmate or schoolmate de worry us make we do wetin no good? The truth be say, this kind things fit make us de worry.
2 Normally, when people de suffer us, we no de get joy. Even with that one, Bible talk say make we still de get joy. For example, James for Bible talk say instead of us to lose hope when we de face problem, we suppose to get joy. (Jas. 1:2, 12) And Jesus talk say we suppose dey happy even when people de suffer us. (Read Matthew 5:11.) How we fit continue to get joy even with problems? We fit learn plenty things when we think about some of the things for the letter wey James write go give Christians for apostles their time. Make we first talk about the things wey this Christians for apostles their time face.
3. Small time after James become disciple of Jesus, wetin happen?
3 Small time after the half brother of Jesus wey e name na James become disciple, people begin suffer Christians for Jerusalem. (Acts 1:14; 5:17, 18) And when they kill the disciple wey e name na Stephen, plenty Christians run comot from the city. They “scatter go different-different area for Judea and Samaria,” and even reach far place like Cyprus and Antioch. (Acts 7:58–8:1; 11:19) The disciples really suffer plenty things. Even with that one, they preach the good news with all their heart for all the place wey they go, and they help to form congregations for plenty place wey Rome de control. (1 Pet. 1:1) But more hard time de come for this Christians.
4. Which other problem Christians for apostles their time endure?
4 Christians for apostles their time endure different-different problem. For example, around the year 50 C.E., one ruler for Rome wey e name na Claudius, command all the Jews make they comot from Rome. So Jew people wey don be Christian, abandon their house by force and move go another place. (Acts 18:1-3) Around 61 C.E., apostle Paul write say people don insult plenty of e Christian brothers for front of other people, they don put them for prison, and thief their property. (Heb. 10:32-34) And like other people, some Christians that time dey poor and them de sick.—Rom. 15:26; Phil. 2:25-27.
5. Which questions we go answer?
5 When James write e letter before the year 62 C.E., e really know the problems wey e brothers and sisters de face that time. Jehovah use e spirit direct James make e write letter go give Christians to advice them about wetin they go do wey go help them continue to get joy, even as them de face problem. Make we talk about the letter wey James write and answer this questions: Wetin be the joy wey James write about? Wetin fit make servant of Jehovah no get that joy again? And how sense, faith, and strong heart fit help us continue to get joy no matter any problem wey we de face?
6. As e dey for Luke 6:22, 23, why servant of Jehovah fit get joy when e de face problem?
6 People fit de think say na when them dey well, they get money, and their family dey happy, they go fit get joy. But the type of joy wey James write about na the one wey God spirit de give person and our condition for life no de affect this kind joy. (Gal. 5:22) Servant of Jehovah fit get joy, or real happiness, when e know say e de do wetin Jehovah like and e de do like Jesus. (Read Luke 6:22, 23; Col. 1:10, 11) Our joy be like fire for inside lamp. The glass for the lamp de cover the fire from breeze or water so that e go continue to light. For the same way, we go continue to get joy no matter wetin de happen for our life. We no go stop to get joy when we de sick, or when pocket dry. The joy go still dey even when people de laugh us, or our family members or other people de give us trouble. We go continue to get more joy anytime people de try to do wetin go make us stop to get joy. The things wey we de face because of our faith show say we be real disciples of Christ. (Matt. 10:22; 24:9; John 15:20) Because of this one, James write for Bible say: “My brothers, make wuna dey happy when wuna de face any kind of problem.”—Jas. 1:2.
7-8. Why our faith de strong more-more when we de face problem?
7 James talk another reason why Christians dey ready to face serious problem. E talk say: “When they test wuna faith, e go help wuna endure.” (Jas. 1:3) Problem be like fire wey them de use make sword. When the iron don really hot and they leave-am make e cool, e go strong pass as e be before. For the same way, when we de endure problems, our faith go de strong more-more. Na because of this one, James write for Bible say: “Allow endurance finish e work, so that wuna go complete and dey okay for everything.” (Jas. 1:4) When we see say our problems de make our faith strong more-more, we fit get joy as we de endure them.
8 For the letter wey James write, e still mention some of the things wey fit make us lose our joy. Wetin be this things, and how we fit handle them?
9. Why we need sense?
9 The problem: When we no know wetin to do. When we de face problems, e good make we beg Jehovah to help us decide wetin go make-am glad, wetin go benefit our brothers and sisters, and wetin go help us continue to dey faithful. (Jer. 10:23) We need sense to know wetin we go do and wetin we go tell people wey de give us trouble. If we no know wetin to do, this one fit make our condition tire us, and we go quick lose our joy.
10. If we want sense, wetin James 1:5 tell us make we do?
10 The solution: Beg Jehovah for sense. If we want endure our problems and still get joy, we go first pray to Jehovah make e give us the sense wey we need to make better decision. (Read James 1:5.) Wetin we go do if we feel say Jehovah no answer our prayer quick-quick? James talk say make we “continue to beg God.” Even when we continue to beg Jehovah for sense e no de vex. E no de complain. When we pray for sense to endure our problems, our Papa for heaven de “open e hand give” us. (Ps. 25:12, 13) E de see our problems, e de feel our pain, and e dey ready to help us. True-true, this one de make us happy! But, how Jehovah de give us sense?
11. If we want sense, which other things we need to do?
11 Jehovah de use Bible de give us sense. (Prov. 2:6) If we want get that sense, we must study Bible and our book them. But we go do pass just to study. We must do the things wey we learn for Bible for our life. James write for Bible say: “Make wuna be people wey de do wetin Bible talk, no be people wey de hear-am only.” (Jas. 1:22) When we de use wetin we learn for Bible, we go de make peace more-more. We no go talk say our own idea must stand and we go de feel for people. (Jas. 3:17) All this better character de help us endure any problem and still dey happy.
12. Why e dey important make we know Bible well?
12 Bible be like mirror. E de help us see the things wey we need to correct for our life and how to do-am. (Jas. 1:23-25) For example, after we study Bible, we fit see say we need to control our temper. We go learn how to dey gentle when people or problems de make us vex. Because we dey gentle, we go fit behave well when problems come. We go fit think well and decide well. (Jas. 3:13) E really dey important make we know Bible well!
13. Why we need to study the examples of people for Bible?
13 Sometimes na after we don make mistake finish, we de learn wetin we no suppose do. But to learn like that fit bring pain. One way wey e better pass to get sense, na to learn from the fine things wey other people do and their mistake. Because of this one, James encourage us make we learn from better example for Bible like Abraham, Rahab, Job, and Elijah. (Jas. 2:21-26; 5:10, 11, 17, 18) This people serve Jehovah well, but they endure problems wey for make them stop to get joy. Their examples show say Jehovah fit help us just as e help them.
14-15. If we get doubt, why e dey important make we do something about-am?
14 The problem: When we de doubt. Sometimes e fit hard us to understand something wey Bible talk. Or e fit be say, Jehovah no answer our prayer the way wey we think say e for answer-am. This one fit make us de doubt. If we continue to doubt, and we no do anything about-am, this one fit make our faith weak and spoil our friendship with Jehovah. (Jas. 1:7, 8) And this one fit even make us stop to get hope say our future go better.
15 Apostle Paul talk say our hope be like anchor wey de hold ship for water. (Heb. 6:19) Anchor de make ship balance ontop water when heavy rain de fall and strong wind de blow. E de hold the ship make e no start to move small-small go jam rock. But anchor fit do e work well only if the chain wey hold-am join the ship no cut. Just as rust fit make the chain weak, na so our faith go weak if we de doubt and we no do anything about-am. Then, when we de face problems we fit no believe again say Jehovah go do the things wey e don promise. If we stop to get faith, we go stop to get hope. As James talk, person wey de doubt “be like wave for sea wey breeze de carry up and down.” (Jas. 1:6) When person dey like that, the person fit no get any joy at all!
16. Wetin we suppose to do if we de get doubt?
16 The solution: Stop to doubt; make your faith strong. Decide wetin you want do quick-quick. For time of prophet Elijah, Jehovah people begin doubt. Elijah tell them say: “How long e go take wuna to decide wetin wuna want? If na Jehovah be the true God, follow-am; but if na Baal, follow-am!” (1 Ki. 18:21) Today too, we need to decide quick-quick. We need to do research to make us believe say Jehovah na God, say Bible na e Word, and say Jehovah Witness people na e people. (1 Thess. 5:21) When we do this one, e go make us stop to doubt and our faith go strong more-more. If we need person to help us stop to doubt, make we meet the elders. We must decide quick-quick if we want continue to get joy as we de serve Jehovah!
17. Wetin go happen if we stop to get strong heart?
17 The problem: When our condition tire us. Bible talk say: “If you tire when problem dey, you no go too get power.” (Prov. 24:10) The Hebrew word wey they translate as “tire” fit mean say “person no get strong heart.” If you no get strong heart, you go quick lose your joy.
18. Wetin e mean to endure?
18 The solution: Trust Jehovah to give you strong heart to endure. We need to get strong heart if we want endure our problems. (Jas. 5:11) The word wey James use for “endurance” de talk about person wey no comot from where e stand. We fit think of soldier wey use strong heart stand for place wey e dey and e no run comot when enemy attack.
19. Wetin we fit learn from the example of apostle Paul?
19 Apostle Paul na better example of person wey get strong heart and wey endure. E de weak sometimes. But e fit endure because e trust Jehovah to give-am the power wey e need. (2 Cor. 12:8-10; Phil. 4:13) We fit get that kind power and strong heart if we dey humble and know say we need Jehovah to help us.—Jas. 4:10.
20-21. Wetin we fit dey sure of?
20 We fit dey sure say the problems wey we de face no be punishment from Jehovah. James tell us for Bible say: “When problem dey, make nobody talk say: ‘Na God de test me.’ Because nobody fit test God with bad thing and God no de use bad thing test person.” (Jas. 1:13) When we dey sure say this one na true, we go dey tight with Jehovah more, our Papa wey love us.—Jas. 4:8.
21 Jehovah no de “change.” (Jas. 1:17) E help Christians for time of the apostles to endure their problems, and e go help each of us today too. No tire to beg Jehovah make e help you get sense, faith, and strong heart. E go answer your prayer. Then you go fit dey sure say, e go help you continue to get joy as you de endure problems!
SONG 128 De Endure Go Reach the End
a The book of James get plenty advice wey fit help us when we de face problem. This article talk about some of the advice wey James give us. This advice fit help us to endure problem and still dey happy as we de serve Jehovah.
b OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURES: They come arrest one brother for e house. E wife and e pikin de look as police people de take-am go. When the husband dey prison, brothers and sisters for congregation de do family worship with the sister and e pikin. The sister and e pikin de always beg Jehovah make e give them power to endure their problem. Jehovah give them peace of mind and strong heart. Because of this one, their faith de strong more-more, and they fit dey happy as them de endure.