Wetin Jehovah Don Do to Show Say E Go Make This Earth Paradise?
“Anybody wey do im best to get blessing for imself for this earth, the God of truth go bless-am.”—ISA. 65:16.
SONG 3 We Trust Jehovah, E De Give Us Power and Hope
1. Wetin prophet Isaiah tell Israel people about Jehovah promise?
PROPHET Isaiah talk say Jehovah na “the God of truth.” The word wey them translate as “truth,” mean “amen.” (Isa. 65:16, ftn.) And “amen” mean “make e be so,” or “I agree.” When Bible talk about Jehovah or Jesus and e use the word “amen,” e de make people dey sure more-more say wetin them talk must happen. So wetin prophet Isaiah de tell Israel people be say, anything wey Jehovah promise, de always happen. In fact, Jehovah don show them plenty times say im promise no de fail.
2. Why we fit trust say wetin Jehovah promise us about our future go happen, and which questions we go answer for this article?
2 What about us, we fit trust say wetin Jehovah promise us about our future go happen? Yes! Almost 800 years after prophet Isaiah time, apostle Paul talk why we fit trust say everything wey Jehovah promise us go happen. E talk say: ‘E no dey possible for God to lie.’ (Heb. 6:18) Just as mango tree no fit produce mango and yam together, na so e still be with Jehovah. Jehovah na the God of truth, and e no go fit be the God of truth and still talk lie. So we fit trust Jehovah for everything wey e don promise us. For this article, we go answer this questions: Wetin Jehovah don promise us? And wetin e don do to show say e must do wetin e promise?
3. (a) Which promise all servants of Jehovah for this earth like well-well? (Revelation 21:3, 4) (b) Wetin some people de talk when we read this Bible verse for them?
3 Now, make we talk about one promise wey Jehovah don make, wey all im servants for this earth really like. (Read Revelation 21:3, 4.) Jehovah promise us say “death no go dey again, sorrow, cry-cry, and pain no go dey again.” Many of us de use this Bible verse preach to people about Paradise. But, wetin some people de talk when we read this Bible verse for them? Them fit talk say, “Na better promise o, but I no believe say e go fit happen like that.”
4. (a) When Jehovah make the promise about Paradise, wetin e know say go happen for this our time? (b) Apart from the promise wey Jehovah make, wetin e still do?
4 When Jehovah tell apostle John say make e write about how life go be for Paradise, e know say we go tell people about-am when we de preach to them. Another thing be say Jehovah know say e go hard many people to believe-am. (Isa. 42:9; 60:2; 2 Cor. 4:3, 4) So, how we fit make our trust for wetin dey Revelation 21:3, 4 strong more-more and help people believe say e go really happen? Jehovah no only promise us Paradise, e still give us better reason why we suppose believe-am. Which reasons e give us?
5. Which reasons we get to trust Jehovah for im promise, and where we fit see this reasons?
5 Revelation 21:5, 6a give us reason why we fit trust say Jehovah go do wetin e promise. That verse talk say: “The Person wey sitdown for the throne talk say: ‘See! I de make everything new.’ E still talk say: ‘Write-am, because this words na wetin people fit trust and na true.’ And e tell me say: ‘Them don already happen! Na me be the Al′pha and the O·me′ga, the beginning and the end.’”—Rev. 21:5, 6a.
6. Why wetin Revelation 21:5, 6 talk, de make our trust for God promise strong more-more?
6 Why this Bible verse de make our trust for God promise strong more-more? Revelation Climax book talk something about this verse them, e say: “Wetin Jehovah talk for this verse them just be like say e de sign one document, to show us say e must do wetin e promise.”b So, for Revelation 21:3, 4, Jehovah tell us wetin e go do for us for future. Then, wetin Jehovah talk for verses 5 and 6, just be like say e put im signature to show say wetin e promise us must happen. Now make we talk about wetin Jehovah talk, wey be like im signature.
7. Why the words wey dey the first part of verse 5 dey special, and why e really dey important?
7 The first part of verse 5 talk say: “The Person wey sitdown for the throne talk say.” (Rev. 21:5a) This word really dey special because na only three times Jehovah talk by imself for the vision wey apostle John write for the book of Revelation and this, na one of them. So na Jehovah give us this hope by imself, e no use angel or even Jesus Christ! This one show say we fit trust the next thing wey e talk, with all our heart. Why we talk like that? Na because, Jehovah “no fit lie.” (Titus 1:2) This one mean say wetin dey Revelation 21:5, 6, must happen.
8. How Jehovah take talk about wetin e go do, to show say e must do-am?
8 Now, make we talk about this word, “See!” (Rev. 21:5) Them use the Greek word wey them translate as “see!” plenty times for the book of Revelation. One book talk say when them use this word, “e de tell the person wey de read say make e put mind for the next sentence wey e want read.” Wetin be the next thing wey Jehovah talk? E say: “I de make everything new.” Na true say wetin Jehovah de talk about, na wetin go happen for future, but because e sure say e must do-am, e talk about-am like say e don de do-am already.—Read Isaiah 46:10.
9. (a) Which two things Jehovah go do when e talk say: “I de make everything new”? (b) Wetin go happen to the heaven and earth wey dey now?
9 Make we talk about the next thing wey Revelation 21:5 talk, e say: “I de make everything new.” For this Bible chapter, that place de talk about two things wey Jehovah go do. E go replace and repair some things. First, wetin Jehovah go replace? Revelation 21:1, talk say: “The heaven wey dey before and the earth wey dey before don go.” “The heaven wey dey before” wey this verse de talk about, na governments for this world wey Satan and im demons de control. (Matt. 4:8, 9; 1 John 5:19) Sometimes for Bible, the word “earth” mean people. (Gen. 11:1; Ps. 96:1) So, “the earth wey dey before,” mean wicked people for this earth. Jehovah no go repair the heaven and earth wey dey now, but e go remove and replace them with new heaven and new earth. This new heaven mean new government, and the new earth mean people wey de do the correct things for God eye, wey the new government go rule over.
10. Wetin Jehovah go make new?
10 For Revelation 21:5, we see the next things wey Jehovah talk about say e go make new. For that verse, Jehovah no talk say: “I de make new-new things.” But e talk say: “I de make everything new.” This one mean say Jehovah go make everybody for this earth, perfect and repair this earth so that e go be Paradise again. Just as prophet Isaiah talk, the whole earth go be like garden of Eden. Jehovah go heal all of us, one by one so that we go dey perfect. E go heal people wey get problem with their leg, their eyes, and their ear, and e go even bring people wey don die back to life.—Isa. 25:8; 35:1-7.
11. Which command Jehovah give apostle John, and which reason Jehovah give-am?
11 Which other thing Jehovah talk to help us dey sure say, e go do wetin e promise? E tell apostle John say: “Write-am, because this words na wetin people fit trust and na true.” (Rev. 21:5) Jehovah no only tell apostle John say make e “write-am,” but e tell-am why e suppose write-am. E talk say: “Because this words na wetin people fit trust and na true.” This one mean say this promise no go ever fail. We really happy say apostle John obey Jehovah as E tell-am say make e “write-am.” Because of this one, we fit read Jehovah promise about Paradise, and think deep about-am.
12. Why Jehovah talk say: “Them don already happen”?
12 Wetin be the next thing wey Jehovah talk? E say: “Them don already happen!” (Rev. 21:6) Jehovah talk for here like say wetin e promise don already happen. Why e talk like that? Na because, nothing go fit stop-am make e no do wetin e get for mind. After this one, Jehovah talk another thing wey make us dey sure say wetin e talk must happen. Wetin e talk?
13. Why Jehovah talk say: “Na me be the Alpha and the Omega”?
13 As we talk before, na three times Jehovah talk to apostle John by imself for the vision. (Rev. 1:8; 21:5, 6; 22:13) For all the three times wey Jehovah talk to John for vision, one of the things wey e de always talk join, na: “Na me be the Alpha and the Omega.” Alpha na the first letter for Greek alphabet, just as letter A be for us. And omega na the last letter for Greek alphabet, just as Z be for us. So, when Jehovah say na im be “the Alpha and the Omega,” e mean say when e start something, e must do-am reach the end and succeed.
When Jehovah start to do something, e de finish-am (Check paragraph 14, 17)
14. (a) Give example of when Jehovah talk something wey just be like say e talk “Alpha” and when e go just be like say e talk “Omega.” (b) Wetin Jehovah talk for Genesis 2:1-3 wey show say e must do wetin e get for mind for us and this earth?
14 After Jehovah make Adam and Eve, e talk wetin e get for mind for them and their children, and for this earth. Bible talk say: “God bless them and e tell them say: ‘Make una born pikin them and make una plenty; make una full this earth and de control everything for this earth.’” (Gen. 1:28) When Jehovah talk this one, e just be like say e talk “Alpha.” Time de come when all Adam and Eve children wey obey Jehovah, go full this earth and make-am Paradise. When this one go happen for future, e go just be like say Jehovah talk “Omega.” After Jehovah don make everything for heaven and earth, e talk something wey show say wetin e get for mind must happen. Wetin e talk dey Genesis 2:1-3. (Read-am.) Jehovah talk say the seventh day, dey holy to-am. Wetin this one mean? This one mean say e don decide to use the seventh day do wetin e get for mind for this earth and for us. So when e talk say the seventh day, dey holy to-am, e just be like say e de talk say wetin e get for mind for this earth and for us must happen for the end of the seventh day.
15. Why Satan fit don feel say wetin Jehovah get for mind no fit ever happen?
15 When Adam and Eve disobey God, them and their children become sinners. And na sin bring death. (Rom. 5:12) This one fit don make Satan feel say wetin Jehovah get for mind no go ever happen. But Satan go fit make Jehovah no fit do wetin e get for mind? Satan fit don think say Jehovah no go fit do wetin e talk say e go do. E fit don think say Jehovah go kill Adam and Eve and make another husband and wife wey go fit born perfect children. But if to say Jehovah do like that, Satan for talk say Jehovah don lie. Why? Because as e dey for Genesis 1:28, Jehovah don tell Adam and Eve say na their children go full this earth.
16. Wetin Satan fit don think say go make-am fit talk say Jehovah don fail, and why?
16 Wetin be another thing wey Satan fit don think say Jehovah go do as Adam and Eve sin? E fit don think say Jehovah go allow them born children wey no go ever fit dey perfect. (Eccl. 7:20; Rom. 3:23) If Jehovah do like that, Satan for talk say Jehovah don fail. Why? Because this one no go make wetin Jehovah get for mind happen. Jehovah want make perfect children of Adam and Eve full this earth and make-am Paradise.
17. When Satan, and Adam and Eve sin against Jehovah, how Jehovah handle the matter, and wetin go happen for future? (Still check the picture.)
17 The way Jehovah handle the matter fit don really surprise Satan. Jehovah use the best way do wetin e get for mind, even though say Adam, Eve, and Satan sin against-am. (Ps. 92:5) Jehovah allow Adam and Eve born children. This one show say Jehovah no fit ever lie. And this one still show say nothing fit stop Jehovah to do wetin e get for mind. Jehovah make sure say wetin e get for mind go happen. How? E make arrangement say them go born one “pikin,” wey go save all the children of Adam and Eve wey obey Jehovah. (Gen. 3:15; 22:18) This pikin go sacrifice im life to save Adam children. This arrangement go don really shock Satan! Why? Because na love make Jehovah make this arrangement. (Matt. 20:28; John 3:16) And Satan no get love at all, e de think only about imself. So, wetin go happen because of this arrangement? For the end of the 1,000 years wey Jesus go rule, Adam and Eve children wey obey Jehovah go dey perfect, and stay for Paradise, just as Jehovah get-am for mind from when e make Adam and Eve. When all this one don happen, e go just be like say Jehovah talk, “Omega.”
18. Which three things make us dey sure say Jehovah go do wetin e promise us? (Still check the box “Three Reason Why We Fit Trust Jehovah Promise.”)
18 For this article, we don talk about some things wey show say God go make this earth Paradise, just as e don promise. But wetin we fit tell other people wey de doubt-am, wey go help them see say true-true, God go make this earth Paradise? Number one, na Jehovah make the promise by imself. The book of Revelation talk say: “The Person wey sitdown for the throne talk say: ‘See! I de make everything new.’” Jehovah get the power and sense to do wetin e promise and e de hungry-am to do-am. Number two, Jehovah know say wetin e talk must happen, na im make e talk about-am like say e don already happen. E talk say: “This words na wetin people fit trust and na true. . . . Them don already happen!” And number three, when Jehovah start to do something, e must complete-am. No wonder e talk say: “Na me be the Alpha and the Omega.” E show say Satan na liar and say e don fail.
19. Wetin you fit do if person no believe say wetin dey Revelation 21:4 go happen?
19 Remember say anytime wey you preach to people about Paradise, you de make your trust for Jehovah promise, strong more-more. So, wetin you go do if you read this promise for Revelation 21:4, for person and e talk say: “Na better promise o, but I no believe say e go fit happen like that”? Make you read and explain verse 5 and 6 to-am. Show-am how Jehovah don make us dey sure say e must do wetin e promise.—Isa. 65:16.
SONG 145 God Promise Us Paradise
a For this article, we go talk about wetin Jehovah talk to make us dey sure say wetin e promise us about paradise, must happen. We de make our trust for Jehovah promise strong more-more, anytime wey we tell people about-am. E de make our trust for Jehovah strong more-more.