“Get Hope for Jehovah”
“Get hope for Jehovah. No fear, get strong heart.”—PS. 27:14.
SONG 128 De Endure Go Reach the End
1. (a) Which hope Jehovah don give us? (b) Wetin e mean to “get hope for Jehovah”? (Check “Word Wey We Explain.”)
JEHOVAH don give better hope to all the people wey love-am. Small time, e go comot sickness, all the things wey de make us sad, and even death. (Rev. 21:3, 4) “Humble people” wey get hope for Jehovah, e go help them change the earth to paradise. (Ps. 37:9-11) And e go make-am dey possible for each of us to be e tight friend. That time, our friendship with Jehovah go even sweet pass the one wey we de enjoy now. This hope wey we get really dey wonderful! But wetin make us believe say God go do the things wey e promise? Jehovah de always do wetin e promise. So we get better reason to “get hope for Jehovah.”b (Ps. 27:14) We de show say we get hope as we continue to dey happy and sofri wait for our God to do wetin e don promise.—Isa. 55:10, 11.
2. Wetin Jehovah don already do?
2 Jehovah don already show say e de do wetin e promise. Make we see one example wey show say this one na true. For the book of Revelation, Jehovah promise say for our time, e go gather together people wey de speak different-different language from every country and place, and they go worship Jehovah together with one mind. Bible talk say that special group of people na “plenty people.” (Rev. 7:9, 10) Even though say na men, women, and children wey get different skin color, wey de speak different language, and wey come from different place dey this group, they be one family wey get one mind. (Ps. 133:1; John 10:16) This plenty people still de preach with all their heart. Them dey ready to tell anybody wey want listen about the hope wey they get say this world go be Paradise. (Matt. 28:19, 20; Rev. 14:6, 7; 22:17) If you be part of the plenty people, e dey clear say the hope wey you get say Paradise de come dey special to you.
3. Wetin be Satan plan?
3 Satan want spoil the hope wey you get. E plan na to make you believe say Jehovah no care about you and say e no go do the things wey e don promise. If Satan succeed to spoil our hope, we no go get strong heart again and we fit even stop to serve Jehovah. As we go see, Satan try to spoil the hope wey Job get and make-am stop to serve Jehovah.
4. Wetin we go talk about for this article? (Job 1:9-12)
4 For this article, we go talk about some things wey Satan do to try make Job stop to serve Jehovah. (Read Job 1:9-12.) We go still talk about the things wey we fit learn from the example of Job, why we need to remember say God love us, and say e go do the things wey e don promise.
5-6. Wetin happen wey change Job life at once?
5 Things be de go well for Job. E get tight friendship with Jehovah. E get big family, them dey happy, and na rich man e be. (Job 1:1-5) But for just one day, Job lose almost everything wey e get. First, e lose all e animals. (Job 1:13-17) After, all e children die. Just use small time think about the thing wey happen to Job. Papa and mama de feel say their own don finish if one of their children die. So, just think about how Job and e wife feel when they hear say all the ten children wey they get don die. The thing pain them no be small! No wonder Job feel sad sotey e tear e cloth and fall for ground!—Job 1:18-20.
6 After that one, Satan give Job one bad sickness wey even make Job lose the respect wey e get. (Job 2:6-8; 7:5) Before that time, people de respect Job no be small, and them de even come meet Job make e give them advice. (Job 31:18) But now, everybody de run from Job. E brothers, e close friends, and even e own servants reject-am!—Job 19:13, 14, 16.
7. (a) Wetin Job believe say be the cause of e problem, but wetin e no gree do? (b) How Christian today fit face problem wey be like the one wey we de see for the picture wey connect with paragraph 7?
7 Satan want make Job believe say e de suffer because e offend Jehovah. For example, Satan use strong breeze scatter the house where all the ten children of Job de chop together. (Job 1:18, 19) E still make fire come from heaven to destroy Job animals and the servants wey de care for the animals. (Job 1:16) Because the strong breeze and the fire come from heaven, Job think say they come from Jehovah. That one come make Job believe say e fit be say e don do wetin make Jehovah vex. But Job no still talk bad thing about e Papa for heaven. Job know say for e life, e don get many good things from Jehovah. So e think-am say, if e accept the good things wey Jehovah don give-am, e suppose dey ready to accept the bad ones too. So e talk say: “Make they continue to praise the name of Jehovah.” (Job 1:20, 21; 2:10) Even though say Job don lose all e money, e children, and de sick, e still hold Jehovah tight. But Satan never dey ready to leave Job.
8. Which other thing Satan do Job?
8 Another thing wey Satan do be say, e use three people wey pretend to be Job friend to make Job feel say e dey useless. They talk say Job de suffer because e don do plenty bad things. (Job 22:5-9) They still try to make Job believe say even if no be bad person e be, anything wey e do to make God happy no get head at all. (Job 4:18; 22:2, 3; 25:4) E just be like say them de talk say God no love Job, e no go take care of-am, and e no make sense to serve God. And they want make Job believe all this things. The things wey they talk fit don make Job feel say e own don finish!
9. Wetin help Job get strong heart and dey strong?
9 Just think-am say you dey there. Job sitdown for where ashes plenty and e de feel pain all the time. (Job 2:8) E friends continue to talk bad-bad things about e character, and they say nothing wey e don do wey get value. The problems wey Job face plenty no be small, and e really dey sad because of e children wey die. When the problem first start, Job no fit talk anything, e just de look. (Job 2:13–3:1) As Job no talk anything, e friends fit de think say e go stop to serve God. But if na so they think, na big mistake be that! But as time de go, Job come talk say: “I no go ever leave God till I die!” (Job 27:5) E fit be say Job raise up e head, look e fake friends and talk this one. Wetin help Job get strong heart and dey strong even as e de suffer? Even when e really dey sad, e continue to get hope say, one day, God go end the suffer wey e de face. E know say even if e die, Jehovah go bring-am come back to life.—Job 14:13-15.
10. Wetin the story of Job teach us?
10 The story of Job teach us say Satan no fit force us to leave Jehovah, and say Jehovah know everything wey de happen to us. The thing wey happen to Job fit help us understand the reasons why Job face all this things. Make we see some lesson wey we fit learn from Job.
11. If we continue to trust Jehovah, wetin we dey sure say go happen? (James 4:7)
11 Job show say if we continue to trust Jehovah, we go fit endure any problem wey we face, and stand strong against Satan. Wetin go happen if we do like that? Bible tell us say Devil go run from us.—Read James 4:7.
12. How the hope wey Job get say Jehovah go bring-am come back to life help-am?
12 E dey important make we get strong faith say even if we die, Jehovah go bring us come back to life. As we learn for the topic before this one, Satan de always try to use the fear say we go die to make us do wetin Jehovah no like. Satan talk say, Job go do anything to save e life, even if na to stop to serve Jehovah. But the thing wey Satan talk no be true at all. Even when Job think say e go die, e still hold Jehovah tight. Job know say Jehovah de do good things and e get strong hope say, one day, Jehovah go solve e problems, and this one help-am endure. Job get faith say even if God no help-am that time, God go bring-am come back to life for future. E get strong hope say people wey die go come back to life. If we get that kind strong hope, even when we face death, we no go allow the fear of death to make us do wetin Jehovah no like.
13. Why e good make we really think about the style wey Satan use for Job?
13 E good make we really think about the style wey Satan use for Job, because na the same style e de use for us today. Remember say Satan talk say: “Na everything wey person [no be only Job] get e go give because of e life.” (Job 2:4, 5) E just be like say Satan de talk say we no really love Jehovah God, and say we go fit even leave Jehovah because we want save our life. Satan still talk say God no love us, and even if we de try do wetin e like, e no de see-am as anything. We wey get hope for Jehovah no go allow Satan make e deceive us, because we know the style wey e de use.
14. Wetin we fit learn when we de face problem? Give example.
14 When we de face problems, e good make we see-am as chance wey we go use know the kind person wey we really be. The problem wey Job face help-am know some things wey e go need to correct for e character, and e correct them. For example, e learn say e need to dey humble more. (Job 42:3) For the same way, when we de face problem, we fit learn plenty things about ourself. E get one brother wey e name na Nikolayc wey they put for prison even though say e get serious sickness. E talk say: “Just like X-ray machine de help us know how our body be inside, na so the time wey I spend for prison help me know some character wey I need to change for my life.” If we know say e get one character wey we need to change, na that time we go fit change-am.
15. Na who we suppose listen to, and why?
15 Na Jehovah we suppose listen to no be our enemies. Job really listen when Jehovah de talk to-am. God reason with Job. From the things wey e talk, e just be like say e de tell Job say: ‘You de see my power for the things wey I make? I know everything wey happen to you. You think say I no go fit take care of you?’ Wetin Job talk show say e dey humble and e de really happy for the better-better things wey Jehovah de do. E talk say: “My ear don hear about you, but now I don see you with my own eye.” (Job 42:5) E fit be say when Job talk that thing, e still sitdown for where plenty ashes dey, wound full e body, and e still de feel pain because of e children wey don die. Even with that one, Jehovah show say E love Job and E de happy with-am.—Job 42:7, 8.
16. As e dey for Isaiah 49:15, 16, wetin we suppose put for mind when we get problems?
16 Today too, people fit insult us and treat us as if we dey useless. They fit try to spoil our name or talk bad about our organization, and “talk different kind of wicked things about” us. (Matt. 5:11) We learn from the story of Job say, Jehovah trust us say we go still hold-am tight even when we de face problem. Jehovah love us and e no go ever leave people wey get hope for-am. (Read Isaiah 49:15, 16.) No ever listen to any lie-lie talk wey God enemies de talk! The family of one brother for Turkey wey e name na James don face plenty problems. The brother talk say: “We see say if we de listen to the lie-lie wey them de talk about God people, e fit make our faith weak. So we put our mind for the Kingdom hope and continue to serve Jehovah well. And this one de make us happy.” Like Job, na Jehovah we suppose listen to! The lie-lie things wey our enemies de talk no fit spoil the hope wey we get.
17. Wetin you learn from the example of the faithful servants of Jehovah wey Hebrews chapter 11 talk about?
17 Job na one example of servants of Jehovah wey continue to get strong heart even with serious problems. The apostle Paul talk about other servants of Jehovah like that for the letter wey e write to the Christians for Hebrew. E talk say, they be “plenty group of people wey surround us like big cloud.” (Heb. 12:1) All of them be get serious problems, but they still hold Jehovah tight. (Heb. 11:36-40) This people endure and work hard for nothing? No! Even though say the thing wey Jehovah promise no happen for their time, they continue to get hope for Jehovah. And because they know say Jehovah de happy with them, they really dey sure say, all the things wey Jehovah promise go happen. (Heb. 11:4, 5) Their example fit make us decide more-more say, we go continue to get hope for Jehovah.
18. Wetin you don decide say you go do? (Hebrews 11:6)
18 Today, things de bad more-more for the world. (2 Tim. 3:13) Satan never stop to cause problem for God people. No matter the problem wey we go face for front, make we decide say we go continue to work hard for Jehovah, “because we don put our hope for the living God.” (1 Tim. 4:10) Make we no forget say, the things wey Jehovah do for Job after, show say, “the love wey Jehovah get really deep and e get pity.” (Jas. 5:11) Make we too hold Jehovah tight, and dey sure say, Jehovah go bless “the people wey de use all their heart look for-am.”—Read Hebrews 11:6.
SONG 150 Trust Jehovah, E Go Save You
a If we de think of person wey don endure plenty problems, many times na Job de come our mind. Wetin we fit learn from the story of that man wey hold God tight? We learn say Satan no fit force us to leave Jehovah. We still learn say Jehovah know everything wey de happen to us. And just as Jehovah stop the problems wey Job be de face, one day, E go stop all the suffer wey we de suffer. If we show with the things wey we de do say we really believe this three things, this one mean say we dey among the people wey really “get hope for Jehovah.”
b WORD WEY WE EXPLAIN: The Hebrew word wey they translate as to “get hope” mean to use all our mind “wait for” something. E fit still mean to trust person or to put mind for person say e go help us.—Ps. 25:2, 3; 62:5.
c We change some names.
d OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: As Job and e wife see say all their children don die, mouth no fit talk how e pain them reach.
e OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: Job endure until e problem comot. Job and e wife de think about how Jehovah don bless them and their family.