5 My son, listen to my wisdom,
bend your ear to my insight,
4 But her aftermath is bitter as wormwood,
sharper than a two-edged sword.
7 But now, sons, listen to me
and do not deviate from what my mouth tells:
8 Make your course far from her,
do not come near the door of her house,
10 For fear strangers should consume your strength at will
and your pains come into a foreigner’s house;
11 And in the sequel you should repent,
when your flesh and muscle give out,
12 And say “How I did hate instruction
and my heart despised admonition,
13 And I did not obey my preceptors
nor bend my ear to my teachers!
14 I was within a tittle of coming to the utmost harm
in the midst of assembly and congregation.”
15 Drink water out of your own cistern
and the flow out of the middle of your own well.
16 Your fountains would scatter to the street,
rills of water through the squares!
17 Let them be for you alone
and nothing for strangers with you.
18 Be your springhead blessed,
and have joy out of the wife of your youth.
19 Doe of love, ibex of grace,
her breasts shall refresh you at every time,
with love of her you shall be always maddened.
20 And why, son, should you be maddened with a stranger
and embrace a foreigner’s bosom?
21 For a man’s courses face Jehovah’s eyes,
who observes all the roads he takes.
22 His guilt will clutch him, the wrong-doer,
and he will be caught in the cords of his sin.