Psalm 31:11 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 11 From the standpoint of all those showing hostility to me+ I have become a reproach,+And to my neighbors very much so,+And a dread to my acquaintances.+When seeing me out of doors, they have fled from me.+ Psalm 38:11 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 11 As for my lovers* and my companions, they keep standing away from my plague,+And my close acquaintances themselves have stood off at a distance.+ Psalm 69:8 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 8 I have become one estranged to my brothers,+And a foreigner to the sons of my mother.+
11 From the standpoint of all those showing hostility to me+ I have become a reproach,+And to my neighbors very much so,+And a dread to my acquaintances.+When seeing me out of doors, they have fled from me.+
11 As for my lovers* and my companions, they keep standing away from my plague,+And my close acquaintances themselves have stood off at a distance.+