Isaiah 50:6 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 6 My back I gave to the strikers, and my cheeks+ to those plucking off [the hair]. My face I did not conceal from humiliating things* and spit.+ Isaiah 53:5 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 5 But he was being pierced+ for our transgression;+ he was being crushed for our errors.+ The chastisement meant for our peace was upon him,+ and because of his wounds+ there has been a healing for us.+
6 My back I gave to the strikers, and my cheeks+ to those plucking off [the hair]. My face I did not conceal from humiliating things* and spit.+
5 But he was being pierced+ for our transgression;+ he was being crushed for our errors.+ The chastisement meant for our peace was upon him,+ and because of his wounds+ there has been a healing for us.+