From Our Readers
Your article “Why Are There So Many Religions?” interested me. It tries to bring out the unity of religion, especially in the teachings of Jesus. But then at the end of the article it is implied that pure worship is obtained by knowing and worshiping as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. As a member of Christ’s Church, I object to anyone proclaiming Christ’s blessing for their denomination only. As the apostle Paul proclaimed, all men can be saved by their faith in Jesus as God’s free gift. (Rom. 3:22-25) All that we must do is to accept Christ’s death and resurrection for our sins in order to be saved. If you must solicit God’s Word, please do not make it so judgmental.
J. L., Nebraska
We agree that Christ’s death and resurrection provide the basis for forgiveness of sins and salvation to everlasting life. But everyone accepting this free gift must meet certain requirements as to faith and works that are outlined in God’s Word, the Bible. (Jas. 2:26) These constitute identifying marks of true religion. While the article referred to above does not mention Jehovah’s Witnesses, the very fact that the outlining of such identifying marks causes some to think of Jehovah’s Witnesses is evidence that Jehovah’s Witnesses do have these identifying marks of true religion.—ED.
I am pleased that you published the article “Are You a Friend of the Unborn?” As a former medical records student I studied the effects of teratogens, which are defined as substances that are known to cause harm to the fetus. I am so glad you are making these substances known to the general public. From a personal viewpoint it even pays to be a little wary of doctors. Earlier this year, during my early stages of pregnancy, my doctor ordered an ultrasound scan to check on my baby’s condition. An hour before the scan the doctor told me to drink as much coffee or tea as I wanted. I knew caffeine could be harmful to the unborn, especially during the first three crucial months, so I drank other noncaffeinated liquids instead.
R. T., New Hampshire
Out of pity, I have regularly obtained magazines from Jehovah’s Witnesses calling at our door, as I thought in that way I offered them some financial aid. When the Witnesses would return and ask if I had read the magazines, I always had to answer ‘No.’ But they kept coming with magazines. On an occasion when I was again practicing Yoga I prayed ‘O God, if you really exist, show this to me in one way or another.’ Possibly due to this prayer my attention was drawn to the “Awake!” bearing the title ‘Earth’s Future—Garbage Dump or Garden Home?’ This was the start of an accurate study of the truth.
J.v.d.N., Netherlands
I just completed the article “The Two-Day Miracles” and I would like to express my deepest thanks for such a wonderful article on brotherly love. I enjoyed it so much! This article moved me with the desire to have a share in this self-sacrificing work. Therefore, I would truly appreciate some information on where such building work would take place near where I live. I am willing to do anything from mixing mortar to carrying bricks.
M. B., Georgia