From Our Readers
The Homosexual Life-Style
I wish to express much thanks for your publishing the article “The Homosexual Life-Style—Just How Gay Is It?” (March 22, 1986) As one who was once a part of that life-style, I can honestly say that not only was it not gay but it was very painful. It was a struggle for me to change my thinking and my way of living, but following the admonition in Isaiah 48:17, 18 and the encouragement at 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, coupled with the desire to please Jehovah God and to hate what is bad (and not myself), helped me to free myself. Anyone involved in a similar life-style can be “cured” only if he relies on Jehovah and wants to do what is right in his eyes.
C. G., California
I have homosexual feelings that are contrary to what Jehovah approves. I’ve been to my share of specialists, so-called Christian and non-Christian alike. They cannot understand why I do not simply give in to my desires. It’s simple—I love Jehovah. Coping with these desires is very difficult—sometimes it seems almost impossible—but it can be done. The question I had to ask myself was: “Whom do I love more, Jehovah or myself?” I chose Jehovah. (Matthew 22:37) I am happier now, having kept my love and loyalty for Jehovah, than when I loved myself more. My message to those who fight those feelings is this: If you love God as you keep saying you do, you’ll learn to rely on his love and strength and not on your own love for pleasure.
C. J., Montana
Thank you for your article “The Homosexual Life-Style—Just How Gay Is It?” Serving Jehovah, I now have a clean conscience, and I don’t worry anymore about the harmful effects and insecurities that I feared a few years ago. Your article reassured me that the gay life-style isn’t so gay and that true happiness is found by serving Jehovah God.
A. G., California
When Someone Dies
I have just finished reading “From Our Readers” on the subject “When Someone You Love Dies.” (December 22, 1985) My own son took his life a year ago, and I can tell you that the article itself (April 22, 1985) and also the responses from your readers has helped to do a major repair job in my heart. When I read the article of April 22, 1985, how the dam burst! I had been trying to keep a stiff upper lip, as it were, to show that my faith in our God was strong! What a mistake! In His great love and mercy, He showed me that, through your articles. I’m sure He was telling me to have a good cry. Thank you!
H. T., England
Cooking Spaghetti
I would like to express my appreciation for your article “Cooking Spaghetti Giulia’s Way.” (January 8, 1986) I have been living alone for the past seven years, and men are by tradition not very good cooks. Giulia’s special recipes of spaghetti and sauce have added two recipes to my menu. So, instead of spending time going through a cookbook, I can devote my time to more worthwhile things. It is always a pleasure to read your magazines.
M. S., Australia