From Our Readers
Salty Drink That Saves Lives
I am writing to thank you for the article “A Salty Drink That Saves Lives!” (September 22, 1985) I left a copy of the magazine with a person with whom I had been discussing the Bible. She told me that a short time later, the infants living next door to her got very sick. They both had parched lips and diarrhea, which indicated dehydration. The doctor told the mother on the phone to buy the prepared solution at the drugstore, but it was out of stock. The woman I had been calling on went next door and mixed some solution, following the recipe in Awake! The children responded quickly.
L. A. C., United States
The Tragic Saturday
Upon reading the article “A Tragic Saturday That Shattered My Family,” I was confused and wondered why you would print such a gruesome story. (October 22, 1986) Truthfully, was an article dealing with the needless murder of five innocent children by a crazed suitor the most uplifting experience you could have printed? I think not.
R. G. M., United States
We agree that it was a tragic story with strong impact, but still we believe that there were a lot of positive things in the account. For example, though his family was shattered, William Cox did not allow himself to be overcome with bitterness and hopelessness. Though he could not understand why this had happened, he prayed for help. Though he did not receive from Catholic and Protestant clergy satisfactory answers to his anguished questions, he kept searching. Further, a woman in California who had read about the case in the papers took the kind initiative to send him the book “The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life” and subscriptions for “The Watchtower” and “Awake!,” which helped him to find the answers to his questions. Yes, the experience on that Saturday was tragic, but all of us can benefit from observing how William Cox was helped to cope by getting strong grounds for faith in God’s purposes.—ED.
I would like to thank both you and William Cox for the article “A Tragic Saturday That Shattered My Family.” I lost a daughter earlier this year in a similar situation, and I really needed to read about this experience and about the resurrection.
V. W., United States
I have just finished reading the article “A Tragic Saturday That Shattered My Family,” and my heart hurt so much for the parents of these five murdered children. Six years ago my husband and I lost our son in an automobile accident. He was at the tender age of 14. It still hurts unbearably at times. Isn’t it wonderful that we have the hope of the resurrection? It’s so comforting.
G. V., United States
I feel compelled to write to you after having read the article “A Tragic Saturday That Shattered My Family.” If only I could let William Cox and his wife know how I feel for them and their children. When I look at the pictures of those five smiling young faces, full of the joy of living, my heart rejoices with the family over the hope of the resurrection. As James 5:16 states: “A righteous man’s supplication, when it is at work, has much force.” What a wonderful privilege we have in prayer for “the whole association of brothers.”—1 Peter 2:17.
D. M. F., England